Sit down with a blank piece of paper and decide what different roles you are playing in your life!

These might include husband or wife, father or mother, Internet Marketer, Work Colleague, Friend..... and so on

Then, write down the areas of life that are most important to you

You might have career, family, financial freedom, personal development, fun or play, health, religion... among others!

From your list, decide on 8 to 10 different Roles and Areas of Life that are most important to you.

Write down your list of 8-10 roles and life areas! It will be different for everyone. As an example, mine are Wife, Mother, Energy, Financial Freedom, IM, Coach, Family & Friends, Personal Development, Spirituality, Health, Business Partner.

NEXT: Rate the areas of your life

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Alfredo73 Premium
Thank you Sarah for sharing, it is a great training for those people that find it hard to cope with their daily activities, when some of us get lost in the world of internet and stray away from our daily lives sometimes. It is important to balance our daily activities and create a routine where everything is managed accordingly. It does become stressful when we know we have to invest most of the time to build an online business and forget the most important activity of all...our family outside WA. For me, I wait until evening, when everything slows down, kids are tired, my fiancee goes to work, took care of everything I had to take care of, during the day and it's easier for me to concentrate, without having to be bouncing back and forth throughout the day! So, I really love this training, it will help our community and those who are having problems achieving their goals! Thank you Sarah, you're the greatest!
SarahAnt Premium
Alfredo. That is exactly the purpose of this tool. You are right. We spend a lot of time doing things without an awareness of if it's fitting in with our values and with those areas where we want to spend time.

This creates an awareness and it also helps us to check in that we are really doing what we say we want to do - and to get rid of that stuff that's neither important nor necessary!

And as you mention, it helps you to work out a strategy that works for you.

I know that I only want to work a maximum of three days. (My preference would actually be 4 x mornings but that isn't an option right now). So if a client asks me to work on one of my other days, I ask myself a series of questions to determine if I do it. If I feel the benefits are too important to miss then I move my week around to make sure I still give sufficient time to my family. (Or I chalk it down to a one-off!) but it can also help me to say "no" to things as well or at least, to rearrange it within my usual times.

It's important to remember when we say "yes" to something, we are saying "no" to something else. So if I say yes to meeting a client during my planned time with my daughter - or I spend time answering messages on WA then I'm saying "no" to my daughter. Usually that ends with her vying for my attention and me labelling her as naughty, when all she is doing is reacting to my lack of attention!! :)

Alfredo73 Premium
Yes, exactly! It's hard sometimes and sometimes we have to say "no" to the less important things in life in order to accommodate the more important things! You the best! Thank you!
SupportWorx Premium
This is really good! I have a similar system but yours is way prettier! -Alexx
SarahAnt Premium
Haha Alex. Pretty is good - useful is better!! Both? well that would be great!! As long as you have a way to do this - it doesn't matter how.

The colours do help you to get a visual overview of your week and the types of activities you'll be doing on a daily/weekly basis. (As well as being pretty!!!!) ;-)
TheAnswerGal Premium
Good advice here Sarah. Thank you for sharing this with us.
SarahAnt Premium

Glad you like the info. Hope you can use it. :)
ConeyM Premium
I appreciate sharing this topic. Very helpful and valuable.
SarahAnt Premium
Hope you can use it Coney. :)
solidbase Premium
Hello my "dessert friend" !!
I have saved this to implement it in my own work.
Thank you for sharing it with us. Much appreciated.
Be safe and take care.
SarahAnt Premium
Hi Theuns,Glad you can use it! I "try" to be as useful as I can be! ;-)

Hope you are well! Feel free to share your findings with me or on this thread once you have implemented it!

Happy Default Calendar Creating!!

Sarah :)