1. Start reading other people's blog posts

Do you normally visit blogs in your niche? Do you read other people's blog posts at all? How do you go about blogging? What strategy do you implement for your online business? Are you not missing out on essential ranking signals? You are a content creator and you write content frequently, right? Kudos! You're worth commending for that.

Pros learned from past failures and successes together and came out with working strategies. So, they're worth following for that, right? Or what do you think about that? You must be honest in your own opinion about this. My observation is that exceptionally-experienced and extraordinarily-successful bloggers share similar working strategies which they all implement on their own blogs.

One of those working strategies they share is that they frequently visit other people's blogs and read their content.

They proved from their own experience that reading other people's blog posts can help one develop writing skills.

They leave their genuine and authentic comments once they've finished reading posts and they get noticed by building relationship. And upon getting noticed, they receive free mentions with time and they get referral traffic back to their own sites too.

2. Ask your subscribers to leave comments on your blog posts

With a strong lead magnet opt-in form plugin installed and activated on your blog, you can get tons of quality subscribers from day to day.

Whenever you create new posts, you share with your subscribers and you ask them to read. Wouldn't you be missing out if subscribers would just be clicking away after reading posts on your blogs? What would be the dividend of asking them to visit your blog and read posts without encouraging them to leave comments based on what they've read?

Always invite your subscribers to your blog posts and ask them to comment on your posts. Promise to reply them as soon as they post their comments and never forget to fulfill your promise. Build more trust and win them.

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suzzziq Premium
Thanks for the training and encouragement, Israel:)
suzzziq Premium
Thank you for these extra tutorials!
alan47 Premium
Good advice as always here.
pazalles20 Premium
Awesome tip, thanks a lot.
pazalles20 Premium
Thanks for sharing a great info my friend, all the best.
ElaineSmith1 Premium
Great tips!! These are things I try to work on every day!

Tried and True

Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for the reading, Smith! Thanks for putting those tips into implementation, my friend! Success is yours. The road is sure.
Hollshope Premium
Great advice. This is something I'm working on so your post is a reminder!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks to you for the reading! Kudos to you for taking the training as a reminder to put things forward in your business! We're all learners and we can, of course, learn from one another to become successful in the end. Check out the following. They might be helpful.
Hollshope Premium
Wow! Thanks so much for these links.