7. Write a review

As an affiliate marketer, writing a review should almost be second nature. Reviews are the key to conversions and are the lifeblood of everything we do. They can be a product or service review, a new publication review, or even an event or launch review.

As a rule, they are quite in depth and opinionated, and provide the reader with an in-depth analysis. As Kyle here at Wealthy Affiliate advocates, a review can also provide the reader with a scoresheet on the various aspects of what is being reviewed - for example, a rating score for value for money, longevity, ease of use, durability, etc.

You may also want to consider having some guest reviewers post on your site, people who can provide your readers an alternative perspective on elements from within your niche.

8. Offer a point of view

Do you have an opinion on something in your niche? Remember, you blog is your soapbox and voice piece. Be authentic about what you see or read about your niche and you can be sure that others will join the conversation.

It's these kind of opinionated posts that allow your readers to form a picture of you, so use it to your advantage. It tells your readers where you stand on things, which in turn will add value to your own overall brand. I'm not saying be controversial, just be objective and, ultimately, be yourself.

This leads me nicely into point 9...

9. Posts on controversy

Do you enjoy a good debate? Blog posts provide an ideal platform to stir up a discussion about potentially controversial topics or situations.

Now, posts that put a bit of fire the belly of your reader can often lead to heated discussion, so be prepared. Furthermore, they can sometimes create you enemies as well as friends. So when responding to inflammatory comments, calmness is most certainly the order of the day.

One final note on controversial posts. When writing posts like these, be sure that the moderation for your post comments is switched on! You probably don't want any Tom, Dick or Harry venting themselves negatively all over your post. Remember, your brand is at stake here. You need to be in control, and moderating comments allows you to do this. In Wordpress this can be done in Settings - Discussion. Scroll down the page and tick the 'Comment must be manually approved' box under the title 'Before a comment appears'. This will ensure that any posted comment is made as a draft for you to approve or unapprove later - and before it goes live on your page.

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LouisaB Premium
All twelve of these are very valuable to cherish. Thank you for this great list.
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Louisa. I'm glad that you found it useful. Thanks too for your kind feedback. You are very kind.
Thank you.
TomCaldwell1 Premium
Thank you Sean, for the valuanle information. I will put it to good use beginning today.
SeanGreentre Premium
Thanks Tom. Great to hear you've adopted them. I'm sure you'll reap the benefits. Thanks too for your kind words. It is very much appreciated. Thank you.
DaveSw Premium
Lots of good ideas here, Sean, very useful and thanks for your effort! have a great holiday season, and wishing you lots of sales! Dave : )
SeanGreentre Premium
You're a star. Thanks Dave.
I'm so glad that you found the tutorial of use. Hopefully it will help you to more sales and that you too can look forward to some great returns from your website.

Have a great Christmas and here's to a prosperous 2018 for us all.

Thanks again,
LinusKeiser Premium
Hey Sean, I just wanted to express my delight regarding this blog post of yours! I found it to be tremendously helpful.

I have struggled quite a bit to shape my articles just the way I wanted, and these clear guidelines detailing different "post types" have really helped me a lot with content creation; it's taken much of the uncertainty out of coming up with a new post! I have now created a content plan with different stages, from creating interlinked posts to a round up, and I think it will result in a much better affiliate marketing experience for me and my readers.

Thanks a lot!
SeanGreentre Premium
That is fantastic Linus.
Thanks too for your very kind feedback. I really do appreciate it and am glad that you and others are finding it useful.

You say that you created your plan. Hopefully my tutorial on creating an editorial calendar helped there too? If not, feel free to take a read. I think I added it to this tutorial, but here it is again for ease: . I also suggest in it a handy Wordpress plugin tool called Editorial Calendar that I find invaluable.

Anyway, I'm so pleased you liked it. Thank you again.

Kindest regards,
MKearns Premium
I've done a mix of many of these Sean. Writing a review is yet to come!
SeanGreentre Premium
Good to hear Mike. No doubt a review will be on your hit list :-)