3. Write the book. You may find it's easier to start by writing a chapter of your choice first; you may prefer to start at the very beginning and write straight through. Don't worry about the title, the table of contents, or any of the other stylistic elements of the book yet. Just sit down and start writing it. Just remember that writing a book takes time. So you have to persevere. Set aside time each day to write, or write until you hit a certain word count. Don't stand up from your desk until you meet your goal.You don't have to pick one method and stick with it. Use whatever techniques you need to complete the book.
4. Review and rewrite. Once your book is finished, let it sit forsometime and then come back to it again. Look at the order of the chapters and sections first and decide if they make sense to you. After you're satisfied with the order of the book, read each chapter in order and edit and revise it.
An important addition is to bring visuals (from Pixabay or elsewhere) into your book, There should be a visual map of image placement to go with your text outline. Will very much like to see the finished product if you are pursuing it!