Time and time again you will hear people tell you to do something that you love doing. Get into a niche that suits you, a subject that you know a lot about and that you feel passionate about. There's absolutely no use getting into a niche that you would like to know about, but really don't have that much knowledge on or experience with.


Well, here's a story.

My first ever website I tried to build myself on a business level before I had heard of Wealthy Affiliate was an SEO website. Which was awesome and all. A highly competitive market too; but I was up for the challenge. I'm a bit hard-headed when it comes to challenges. Love 'em.

I spent a couple of days building the website from scratch, putting all my lovely bells and whistles on and having the design just right. I'm no designer but WordPress have some cutting edge themes with awesome flexibility on design. So I did all that. It was lovely. And I started to write.


A couple of hours later..


Next day....


I couldn't come up with any ideas. Why? Because I knew absolutely nothing about SEO. I had forgotten the basic rules of creating content and speaking to an audience. Know your subject. I should have known this. I am a teacher. Duh.

I feel I had become blindsided when the prospect of creating something that I was "Interested in" and knew little about was thrown into my path. I had just been made redundant, and I had time. My enthusiasm had run away with me!

After I finally realised (it takes a long time for things to click with me sometimes. I hate that) that I needed to get into something that I was "already" knew lots about I changed my idea and away I flew.

On a side note: I have known people in the past that have lost their oomph because they have built and idea on something they have known lots and lots about, yet it's not their passion. Having that passion for something allows you to sit there day after day creating articles on topics that you love.

When you don't have that passion.. well, TV is interesting right now isn't it? Oh, ball game anyone? Game of Thrones starts soon!

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Igor13 Premium
Hi Raymond!

I agree with your statement that you need to know the subject and have a passion for what you are going to work on in your niche.

But, in my opinion, I also think that if you have the passion for learning things, you can learn new things as well and work with that!

If you suddenly discovered the passion for building websites, then start learning about it. if you have discovered the passion for go fishing, go for it and start learning and learn as much you can about it.

The only problem with that is that it takes time to master it. Thus, starting with something what you already know and you are passionate about, is a better way to start. As you grow work on your passions.

In my example, I am working on my online marketing passion, although my biggest passion my whole life is tennis and the next big one is astrology.

I love all of them. Thus, setting priorities, entering into learning processes and start practicing your passion (or passions) is for sure the way to go. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes shorter, but, in the end, if you really are passionate about a certain topic (product, service, skill, whatever) you will find the way to do it.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

Wish you a lot of success,
Best regards,

Stay well, market better, convert best!
ChrisKrolik Premium
so what do all those guys, bragging they make 5, 6 figure incomes do then? where do they get ideas to feed all their websites with content? can they be passionate about literally anything? there are hundreds of them bragging around the internet and YouTube, Are they all scam?
thanks for your reply in advance
MozMary Premium Plus
well we can't lump 'all' of them together, but you make a good point about their 'websites' because it looks like most of them don't have one, they just have an aggressive marketing strategy designed to pressure people to buy their services and THAT is what makes them the money, and yes a lot of it is scam. They are getting rich but the product may not be worth it or worth the price...
ChrisKrolik Premium
well, that explains a lot then, they look quite reliably though, all those impressive GA stats all over their websites, that could be counterfeit, but some of them manage to trick poor Bob Proctor to got them his endorsement, that is really something... many thanks for your reply and your kind explanation
SatoriAngel Premium
I feel the same - I know nothing about website building but i want to be a WA affiliate - it's brought me to a halt trying to write content on something I don't fully understand. Your article was well timed! Thank you!
rbaxter80 Premium
Really pleased! Keep doing what you love. The passion lies within your heart :)
Simowatto Premium
It is a fantastic blog mate as I have been stuck for a while BUT this blog has now given me several ideas as I'm sure it was intended to, so, thank you very much indeed.
rbaxter80 Premium
Not a problem! Yes, that's what I intended :) Glad you got what you wanted from it Simon :)
Simowatto Premium
yup I did and thanks again
rbaxter80 Premium
Not a problem :)
pgonz Premium
Hello rbaxter80, definitely know what your talking about. I got the same issue, mind block. I have been studying to be an investor and know more about that and, here with WA I'm going for marketing and advertising. Always thought why can't I get paid to be online, not knowing people where already doing it. Well long story, so think I will let you get back to it. Best of luck on your goals. Hope it works out for you. I just got into course 2, lesson 1. Still trying to figure all this out. Just moved my site over to my own domain. Going to see how that works. I'll keep in touch. Many blessings to you and it will work out in the end.
rbaxter80 Premium
Good luck, Sir :)