There are two ways to open the snipping tool in the Windows 7 operating system.

1. Click on the start button and search for snipping tool.
2. Select the icon from your favorites on your toolbar. I like to keep the snipping tool docked on my toolbar because I use it frequently.

A popup window will open on your computer screen
Select the type of snip that you want to make, your choices are:

Free-form Snip
Use your mouse to draw a free form around an option to take a snip. This is good for cutting out a person or a shape.

Rectangular Snip
Most snips will be made by using the rectangular snipping selection. This forms a simple rectangle to snip.

Window Snip
The window snip will select a popup window or a browser window that is open.

Full-Screen Snip
This selection captures the entire screen.

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welshy Premium
Liked, great training.
I also use the Snipping tool all the time, it's more for personal use or to capture images I intend on editing etc. If I'm in WA chat helping or something like that I'll often just use Droplr as it captures and uploads straight away so I can share image.
yessharon Premium Plus
I haven't tried Droplr. Is it something that you download?
welshy Premium
Sorry was walking dog.
Droplr is pretty cool, Steve (Ivetriedthat) was using it one day and I've started too.
Just got to for more details and scroll down and check the Windows desktop app.
Here is a selection capture image just taken of a file I was viewing on screen
Here is the code I just copied from that file in Notepad++ and wanted to share with you "example"
TJ Books Premium
Nothing cheaper than free, Sharon and it does what I want it to do. My desktop has a paid program.
TJ Books Premium
No, Sharon! I meant that you showed me a few things I had not done. I have just grabbed an area and saved it for my use.
yessharon Premium Plus
Glad I could help.
TJ Books Premium
A few things I have not done. Tnx!
yessharon Premium Plus
You can always do it tomorrow if it doesn't have to be done today.
TJ Books Premium
I use this baby too. John
yessharon Premium Plus
I like it because it is free.
ECAffiliates Premium
Haven't used this accessory as of yet. Useful gadgets are handy to have around. Thank you.
yessharon Premium Plus
I use it all the time and it is very handy.