In my how to use the WA Keyword Tool Part 1 training, I already explained what Article Power, PPC Power and Dig are, but now I want to give you a visual representation of what Dig will do. This is another great way to discover new keywords that are relevant to your last searched keyword.
In the above image I did a search for Salvador Dali Art Pints and though the majority of what was displayed was Salvador Dali, only one other keyword contained the word “Art” and no others said “Prints.” So I clicked on “Dig” on the extreme right side of my search query and the results I received are seen in the below image.
Now my selection of potential keywords contain many with the words “Art” or “Prints” as well as more relevant keywords to choose from.
So just like before, I click twice on the word Search at the top of the column so I can see the best most searched keywords pertaining to Salvador Dali Art Prints, revealing 4 better searched keywords as seen in the below image.
I hope this training has brought you a little more clarity into the various features of the WA Keyword Tool and how you can use it to find better searched, relevant and ranked keywords based off of your initial search. If you liked this training tutorial please click the green Like This button below and please share this with others.
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