Many bloggers and website owners do say, they have spent and spent on the business, I mean the online business but nothing much to show for it, are all the effort for fun and useless?

Majorly many people expect to harvest as fast as possible never minding the validity of the result, your money, time and energy you have invested in the business, creating your product or services, preparing on having the website launched and also practicing advertising technics was never in vain.

It never happens like that to plant and in the same month expecting to harvest the product, your ranking to the top in Google can never be overnight but a gradual and steady move every day, nevertheless, you must be expecting some sales at least to make it a business worth doing and after some series of hard work, you get your website going live without any sales recorded or some conversions.

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Babou3 Premium
Thanks for this really great and useful tips!

emimos12 Premium
Thank you for your comment.traffic can achieve steady revenue from sales, but using the Cost-per-Acquisition will give you a very high income compare to earned traffic which will lead to a little return on investment. Rock higher and higher every day.
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Thanks for this Abayomi!
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, website needs to be troubleshoot to detect any error that affects the sales, the conversion rate, and the bounce rate. Thank you, keep rocking high in online business.
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Thank you, my friend!
emimos12 Premium
Am grateful, thank you.
timstime20 Premium
Nice useful tips
emimos12 Premium
Thank you for the encouragement, I appreciate your comment, keep rocking high in online business.
Israel17 Premium
What an amazing training tutorial, Emimos! I believe a blog would need a marketing agency if not regularly updated due to reasons beyond human control. Thanks for those useful tips!

Israel Olatunji
emimos12 Premium
Every online business owner needs marketing tips and techniques to scale through the world of competition, your decision is great and awesome as long as it would give you your desire results, thank you for stopping by.
Ahimbe Premium
This training has got me thinking of ways to make my website better.
Thank you
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, every blogger and online business owner must work very hard, leverage in marketing to make a great impact and make it big, rock high in online business. Thank you for stopping by.