Author welshy
Rank 6626

The Easy Way To Setup All 3

In this video tutorial I'm going to show you how to complete 3 important steps that you'll need to complete once you've built a wordpress site. (well it's all optional but recommended)

If you already have a Gmail address and have set up a Google+ profile, you can complete the 3 steps in around 5 to 15 minutes. I recommend that you first watch the video from start to end, then start over pausing video as you follow along.

Can't see because the video is too small? All my videos are recorded in HD and will look fine in full screen mode.

1: Setting Up Google Authorship

Google authorship is all about telling Google who the author is that created the content or site. This is done by linking your content and your Google Plus profile together.

Setting up your authorship gives you many benefits and is also recommended.

In the first part of this video I'm going to show you step by step how to configure and setup authorship on your wordpress site.

2: Verify Site With Google Webmaster Tools

If you plan on ranking or being indexed in Google's search engine, it's important that you verify your site with Google Webmaster Tools. This will allow you to give Google details about your site, submit sitemap and much more, at the same time this will allow Google to communicate back with you, perhaps pointing out errors, bad backlinks etc.

In the second part of this video I'm going to show you how to verify your site with Webmaster Tools.

3: Connect Your Site With Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the best and most powerful tracking tools around and it's free to use. But to use Analytics will need to add some code so that tracking information is passed back to our Analytics account.

In the last part of this video I' m going to show you how to connect your site with your Analytics account, I'll also quickly show you how to then connect your Webmaster Tools account with your Analytics accounts.

After updating the plugin with your Analytics ID you may need to wait a few minutes for Analytics to work.

The Google Analytics layout has changed since I recorded the video above.

If you'd like to integrate Analytics and Webmaster tools please refer to the screenshot below.

What Do I Need?

To follow along you'll need the following:

  1. A wordpress site, preferably on your own domain.
  2. The All In One SEO plugin installed and enabled (if you've followed the courses at WA you should already have this installed)
  3. A Gmail address, this will allow you to create a Google+ profile, Webmaster Tools and Analytics account.
If you run into any problems or need help, please post a comment below and myself or someone else will reply.

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Nathanlucas Premium
Thank you Welshy! Seems that google Analytics has changed their site a little when it comes to linking Analytics with webmasters. Could not find the option to link them. Awesome video!
DNave Premium
I couldn't find the option to link them either. How did you end up linking them?
CornishTony Premium
Brilliant video....thanks pal..really helpful
necopam Premium
I am now going to attempt all this. Looks frightening lol
CornishTony Premium
take your time and review the video a few times before doing it. It does seem scary but not that bad really. Make sure you have a an open notepad on screen so you can copy and paste your website details easier....good luck!
Koa Premium
Thanks a lot, Craig!
Thanks for posting this I was having a hard time verifying my page