Signing up for your account only takes a matter of minutes, so let's walk through the process step-by-step. NOTE: When setting up your account you are required to enter your credit/debit card information, so make sure that you have this to hand.

Head over to the sign up page now and let's get the ball rolling! sign up

If you already have a 'Windows Live' ID you can use this to create your advertising account, if not you can set up a brand new account. That is what I will be doing in this tutorial.

This first section of the sign up process is called 'Targeting', and this requires us to enter specific information about our first campaign. In the image above you can see that we have to choose 1) the language for our ad (note that I am from the UK, yours may be English - US or otherwise), and 2) the location of our customers. Nothing to complicated here, simply make your selection and hit the 'Continue' button.

NOTE: Setting up your first campaign is a required part of the sign up process, and for that reason I strongly suggest that you do as I will be doing and create a 'dummy' campaign. Once you have completed the sign up process you can simply delete this dummy campaign and create your first proper campaign. I will be covering how to do that in this tutorial.

Step 2 in the sign up process requires us to create our first ad, and if you are familiar with Adwords pay per click marketing in particular you will notice the similarities between the two.

1) Ad Title - This is where you enter the title for your ad (max 25 characters)

2) Ad text - The text for your ad goes in this section. Note that you are allowed up to 70 characters in this section, and these will be spread over a maximum of 2 lines. 70 characters is the same as what is allowed over 2 lines on Google Adwords, but here you enter all of the text on one line.

3) Display URL - This is where you enter the URL that you would like to be displayed in your ad.

4) Destination URL: - Here you choose the beginning part of your URL. Choices include: http://, https://, and keyword destination URL. For our promotion, and the majority of others, this part should be left as 'http://', unless you know it to be different.

5) Destination URL: - This is where you enter the actual URL of your landing page. In the example above I have used the WA homepage, but a few other examples would be: - a website that I might create for my WA promotions. - my WA affiliate link for a direct linking campaign. - a feeder site link created within WA.

Once you have entered all the required information for your dummy ad you can check the right hand side of the screen for a preview:

Note in particular how my 'Ad Text' has been spread over 2 lines to form something that looks very similar to a Google Adwords ad. Remember that you have a maximum of 70 characters for this section, so take full advantage of the room you have.

In step 3 we are required to add keywords for our campaign, and we have the choice of either entering them manually or using the Microsoft research tool. As our campaign is for the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate, it is very likely that you already have your list of keywords so you would most likely enter them manually.

Keywords are an essential part of your campaign as they allow you to connect directly with your target audience. Keywords are only good if they connect your potential customers with the product/service that you are promoting. In this example I will be using "Wealthy Affiliate" related keywords.

If you would like help coming up with keywords for your Wealthy Affiliate campaign I suggest using the keyword research tool here at WA. It's free and very powerful.

Also note that Microsoft allows us to use keyword match types when adding keywords to our campaigns. In the example below I have added the keyword 'wealthy affiliate', and included the exact, phrase, and broad match types.

Exact match - denoted by the use of [] around a keyword
By adding an exact match keyword to a campaign your ad will show when that exact keyword is searched for. So using my example above, if someone searches for the exact words - wealthy affiliate - on, my ad will show.

Phrase match - denoted by the use of "" around a keyword
Adding a phrase match keyword to a campaign means that your ad will show when the keyword is searched for as part of a phrase. For example, if someone searched for - wealthy affiliate latest news - on, my ad will show.

Broad match - denoted by the keyword alone
Adding a broad match keyword to a campaign means that your ad will be shown if your keywords feature in any order, in any part of a search term. For example, if someone searched for - wealthy people that have used affiliate marketing - on, my ad will be shown.

Using match types is a great way of increasing the potential of your campaign by expanding your reach and targeting additional and relevant keywords. If you already have a list of keywords and would like to use match types with your Wealthy Affiliate PPC promotions, use the match type tool here at WA to quickly create your keyword list.

For step 4 of the sign up process we are required to enter a monthly budget and a default bid (cost per click). Remember that I will be creating a dummy campaign in order to activate this account, so any information that I enter here can be edited in a few moments when the account is live.

The figures that I have entered below are the minimum amounts allowed to proceed, so either use the same if your account will be funded by British pounds, or adjust accordingly depending on your currency. Typically you will want to set your monthly budget higher as you will want to maximize the amount of traffic you get.

For step 5 we are asked to review what we have set up so far and enter some basic account information. Also note that we have the option to edit the campaign that we have created so far, and this information can also be edited once the account is active.

The final part of the process in step 6 is to set up your billing information, and it's here that you enter your credit/debit card information. Also note that you are required to pay a small non-refundable fee of $5 USD to activate your account, and this is the final part of the sign up process.

Congratulations! Your Microsoft/Bing advertising account is now set up!

Let's move on to managing your account and setting up your first proper ad.

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thegrandma Premium
very informative and exciting! thanks!
mike soprano Premium
great stuff. Thanks
Lee77 Premium
great stuff. Thanks
marcelofish Premium
Great info Marcus, thank you!
compromy Premium
Great info Marcus, thank you!