1. Find out What Are Considered Good Numbers and Bad Numbers

You must first set your expectations. What is your website's actual performance compared to other websites that are successful? What can be used as a goal for the bounce rate?

You can use your analytics tool to find bounce rate numbers and then assess the results based on those levels.

If your analytics bounce rate is higher than 80%, you may have serious retention problems. Your site is performing poorly between 70% and 80%. You should take immediate action.

If the number is between 50% and 70%, you are following the average performance of most websites. Your goal should be 30% to 50%, as these numbers are excellent for a Digital Marketing Strategy.

If the bounce rate falls below 20%, it's likely that you have a tracking point. It is rare for such low numbers to be achieved.

It may seem like 70% of visitors bounce, but that is not the case. Engaging 30% of your traffic means that you are already doing more than traditional marketing strategies with larger budgets.

2. Understand Why Visitors Leave So Early

Let's return to the example from the beginning. There are people coming into your store, looking around, and then leaving. What's your first question? Ask yourself what scared them away.

Did it have to do with the store's layout? Did they have a mismatch between what they expected and what they actually found? Did the offer seem too good to be true? Perhaps the people you attract aren't interested in your brand.

Every answer will provide you with a better understanding of what you can do to increase your bounce rate. It is crucial to understand your buyer persona so that you can build your strategy around them.

3. Design a Better User Experience

These questions should help your team identify elements, tools, or processes that can improve the user experience on your site.

Good UX begins with a well-structured and fast website. But it goes far beyond that. It's the combination of visual elements, information, and interaction that fulfills and exceeds certain expectations.

Use your buyer persona again as a guide. What do they want? What can you do to lead and surprise them in positive ways?

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Jessiefido Premium Plus
A very interesting and informative read about how best to reduce our bounce rates my friend.

We never want someone to finally visit our page, and then leave straight away because the cutlery was dirty, or the Champagne wasn't chilled!

First impressions are everything in my opinion, and with giving a poor one, how can we expect people to return.

Appreciate the training Roger, and enjoy a fabulous week.
RogerMackley Premium
Hey Nick, thanks for stopping by, and your comments. Hope your having a fine week, friend.
GaryHiggins2 Premium
Thanks for sharing this Roger!
RogerMackley Premium
Morning Gary, thanks for stopping by, and your comments. Hope your having a fine week, friend.
YvonneBray Premium
Thank you for providing excellent advice on bounce rate.
RogerMackley Premium
Hello Yvonne, I appreciate you stopping by and the the kind words, hope your having a wonderful week.
YvonneBray Premium
Thank you for asking. I’m having a busy week.
richardgb Premium
Hi Roger
Some great tips, thank you.
Excellent info-graphics too... I hope you don't mind me asking, where did the stats come from?
Thank you
RogerMackley Premium
The stats for Bounce Rate are directly displayed in Google Analytics. That's where you'll have to check your bounce rate stats. Also web page called Klient Boost, pretty informative. Appreciate you stopping by Richard, have a good week.
richardgb Premium
Thank you for confirming that Roger. I hadn't seen them before.
RogerMackley Premium
Very welcome.
Israel17 Premium
This is one of the most essential points to note in SEO, Roger. The bounce rate needs to be improved to keep seeing changes in Page Authority. Thanks!

Israel Olatunji
RogerMackley Premium
Hey Israel, appreciate you stopping by and your input. Have a great week, friend.