Visit Other People’s Blogs Frequently and Leave Attention-grabbing Comments to Get Noticed

Are you in the habit of checking other blogs out once in a blue moon to see what’s going on with those blogs out there? Why do you think some blogs rank faster than others? Why did some blogs get a first-page ranking within 6 months of launching them while others waited till 1-2 years before getting a third-page ranking at all?

If you want your ranking to skyrocket, this is one of the most working strategies to implement as you’ll surely get an increase in the number of blog readers who will comment frequently on nearly every post you publish from time to time. This will probably make the audience see you as a pro blogger and your blog as an authority one.

Write a Compelling Guest Post for Authority Blogs and Link Back to Your Blog

Once you’re ready to stop compromising the pro blogging ethics, you won’t hesitate to work the techniques (Guest Posting inclusive) with the right energy. If you must implement all these strategies, then you’ll need to spend a lot of hours daily with your computer.

If you’re thinking about how you can receive guest post invitations or how you can find the right blog to guest-post for, then you wouldn’t have to get bothered about that at all. All you’ll need to do is either wait till guest post invitations find you naturally, or simply submit a proposal to a blog through their contact page stating what you have in mind to include in your guest post and why they must consider sending you a permission to proceed.

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Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing this helpful and useful training much appreciated
Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for finding this post useful and helpful, Jadatherapy You can rest assured that with a high level of site engagement, your blog will rank well in search engines.

You may also go through any of the following resources at your leisure. They provide useful blogging tips to become successful online. Thanks for the visit!
Israel Olatunji
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you Israel for your help I really appreciate you, thanks

I have read almost all of them and working through the others

Marley2016 Premium
Thank you I always get comments at least two or three right after completing my posts not all the same day tho :)
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, Marley! Much appreciated! Once you're sure of doing thorough engagement on your blog at a very high level, a first-page ranking is guaranteed with time.

You may also go through any of the following resources at your leisure. They provide useful blogging tips to become successful online. Thanks for the visit!
Israel Olatunji
CKone Premium
An interesting point of view. I believe comments are necessary and important from an engagement point of view rather than ranking specifically. It makes a website more interesting to have discussion.
Thanks for sharing.
Israel17 Premium
Yes, you're right, Ckone, though comments serve the same purpose which is for site engagement. Once Google finds that you thoroughly and constantly engage your readers through comments, your ranking will improve.

You may also go through any of the following resources at your leisure. They provide useful blogging tips to become successful online. Thanks for the visit!
Israel Olatunji
Wdcope Premium
Comments are very important! Good post
Israel17 Premium
Yeah, comments determine a lot when it comes to receiving high rankings in search engines. What you must do to ensure you rank well through the comments on your blog is to ensure that only authentic comments are approved to appear on your site. That's how blog commenting works out for ranking purpose. Google checks the quality of the comments you receive as to whether they're relevant to the topic of the post on which they're left.

You may also go through any of the following resources at your leisure. They provide useful blogging tips to become successful online. Thanks for the visit!
Israel Olatunji
Traveller75 Premium
Great post, I didn't realize it meant so much and will be following this a lot more from now on and leaving comments on other blogs also. Thanks for the info.

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the reading, friend! Much appreciated! You need to visit other bloggers' niche-related blogs, read posts, as well as leave attention-grabbing comments to get noticed.

You may also go through any of the following resources at your leisure. They provide useful blogging tips to become successful online. Thanks for the visit!
Israel Olatunji