Before ever getting to YouTube you first need to optimize the actual file name of your video.

This is pretty simple, basically you want your file name to be the keyword phrase that you will be targeting with your video.

Keyword research for video is exactly like keyword research for a blog post. You're looking for low competition keywords with a good number of monthly searches.

The video I will be using for an example in this course is What are Google Alerts. "what are google alerts" is the keyword phrase I am targeting so I made the file name of my video What Are Google Alerts.

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JJCarter1 Premium
Excellent training! I've been looking to optimize video so this was perfect timing. Thanks again and keep up the great work.
philsmkt62 Premium
So enjoying these. I'm not to that point yet but someday hope to be here soon.
BrokFTJFH Premium
Glad to hear you're enjoying have a few more that I plan on making here soon!
CarlaIves Premium
Nice job. Saving for if/when necessary for me. I don't do videos yet. Long way from that point.
Shawn Martin Premium
Great Job BrokWebb! I think you hit this right on the head! For many years I dabbled with YouTube SEO and marketing and also learned how to get to first page of YouTube for almost any video in the journey of doing so. There are a couple of other acceptable techniques and tricks but you are correct!. Please continue making these tutorials!
BrokFTJFH Premium
Thank You! I am glad you enjoyed the tutorial and if you ever feel like sharing more about your YouTube SEO knowledge I am all ears!