Did you know your Wealthy Affiliate profile username, image (photo) and description matters a great deal?

Here are the 2 main reasons why it matters?

1. Wealthy Affiliate Community

  • Do you want more Wealthy Affiliate members to follow you?
  • Do you want more community members to interact and comment on the posts you write and the training you create?
  • Do you need help from as many community members possible when you get stuck?

These are all excellent reasons to optimize your Wealthy Affiliate profile to increase your followers. With more followers come more interaction—the same as on social media platforms.

Wealthy Affiliate members are in nature, not judgemental when it comes to profiles. The impact of your Wealthy Affiliate profile within the community is not that big, but it can still make a difference.

2. "Outsiders" and Referrals

Let's get to the main reason why you need to optimize your Wealthy Affiliate profile.

Wealthy Affiliate has a very lucrative affiliate program.

If you decide to promote WA, you will most probably direct people from outside to your WA profile at some point. I have a link on one of my websites to my WA profile.

What about your new starter referrals?

What will they see and experience? A blank or blurred profile image, a description with nearly no information or maybe a username that does not inspire comfort and trust?

The idea is to welcome newcomers and "outsiders" into your "WA home" with warmth, friendliness, comfort and creating a sense of trust.

You don't need to create a masterpiece to accomplish this. Something simple and "true to yourself" is a good place to start.

I will discuss the following in the next few lessons:

  • Profile image tips
  • Profile description tips
  • Profile username tips

These are in order of importance.

Next: How to Optimize Your Wealthy Affiliate Profile Image (Photo)

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edhozubin Premium
Thank you for your Post & Share and pointers that you past on. It is really a mini resume and just like A post it needs a hook. Very Good wish you the best.
RikaSF Premium
I cannot agree more Edward. Thanks for having a look at my training.

Have a wonderful day!
Jenny28 Premium
Hi Rika,
Thanks for this training. I must admit I have never updated or changed my profile bio since I started in 2018. This is on my to-do list, thanks for the tips.
RikaSF Premium
My pleasure Jenny. It's worth spending a few minutes updating your profile. I have a look at mine at least once a year to see if I could add anything or if anything changed.

Have a great day!
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing Rika much appreciated.

This is a very valuable lessons.

Here's to making it happen in 2021 and beyond

RikaSF Premium
My pleasure Jennifer. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for having a look at my training.

I wish you all the best for 2021.
Mruxton Premium Plus
Howzit Rika,
Enjoyed the Lesson, and I have been thinking about changing my Profile name.

RikaSF Premium
I'm glad you enjoyed the training Murray and thanks for taking the time.

Do you have any idea what direction you want to go should you decide to change your profile name.
Mruxton Premium Plus
I would definately like to have my first name, I am just thinking whilst typing maybe my first name then my Initial of my 2nd name them surname in full ie Murray D Ruxton , just like
"Samuel L Jackson" lets wait and see.

RikaSF Premium
It would then look like this: MurrayDRuxton

I like: MurrayRuxton (less confusing and immediately clear especially if you capitalize the "R") - just my personal preference:)
Mruxton Premium Plus
Ah good point , no spaces allowed , does not look Good at all, back to Plan Rika, MurrayRuxton.