3) Ensure your website Visitors can Work Without the Mouse.

    You might find this a little difficult to understand, but it is as simple as I presented it. Your website users should be able to work seamlessly on your website without their mouse. They should be able to use the keyboard and its shorthand keys alone. Many assistive technologies for people with disabilities rely on keyboard-only navigation.

    Most keyboards rely on the tab key for navigation, it seamlessly moves between links, forms and buttons. So your website navigation should also support the use of the tab key. A simple way you can test for keyboard navigation on your website is

    1. Check if your website accepts the tab key for navigation,
    2. the enter key or spacebar to select an element.
    3. Check if your arrow keys can also move around

    4) Engage Headers

    Good use of headers will help you structure your content and make it easier to read. As such, the interpretation of your content will not be lost at any stage. Achieving this is simple and not technical.

    Use the appropriate heading level when creating your content. For your titles, use heading level 1, this should be the only H1 in your content. It should be followed by H2, which each H2 can be broken down into H3 and so on.

    The order of their occurrence matters, you should not jump to an H3 or H4 heading level after H1.

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    Jenny28 Premium
    These are all great points. Thanks for sharing. Making our websites accessible is very important! A great tool for checking our site and how to improve our accessibility is Google Lighthouse.
    Parameter Premium
    You are very on point.

    Am glad you dropped this on the comment section

    Edubosah Premium
    Making your website accessible is very important, this training is informative. I appreciate. Thanks.
    Parameter Premium
    Accessibility will open your work to a larger audience

    Seylah Premium
    Very informative.
    Parameter Premium

    You welcome

    mikte2 Premium
    Parameter I know there’s a lot of good information there and I may have to read it three or 4×4 I can soak anything out of it your way over my head certainly not your fault my MS is shining through
    Parameter Premium

    I am glad you found it usefulll

    Israel17 Premium
    I believe using alt description for our images will help search engines find the post easily. Thanks for your website accessibility tutorial, Ayodeji!

    Israel Olatunji