Common Questions About Making an eBook PDF

Q. What if there are errors in my PDF eBook?

A. NO PROBLEM! You can go back in to your Writer document and correct, add, or whatever you want to do and then convert it into a PDF all over again.

Q. Is my original Writer document gone after I convert it into a pdf?

A. Nope – it’s all still there. You can work on the Writer document as much as you want, and convert it into a PDF as many times as you want. Don’t forget to save your Writer document, too!

Q. Is there a free and easy way to make a cover graphic for my eBook?

Yes! There is a wonderful, easy, and FREE web-based program that walks you thru designing a cover for your eBook (thank you to Jay - MagiStudios here in WA - for sharing this with me)

You can find that site here:

Q. How Can I Sell My eBook with PayPal?

I have another tutorial in Wealthy Affiliate that walks you through the steps to sell your eBook online using PayPal.

You can find that tutorial here:

Final Thoughts

Creating a PDF ebook or report is very, very simple to do. Try it – I bet you’ll love how easy it is, too. It’s really great when you don’t have to download and install a separate PDF converter – especially one that doesn’t convert your links properly. This process is all-in-one and works like a charm…..AND, the price isn’t bad either (free).

this tutorial is a re-post of a tutorial on my blog that can be found here:

Naturally, I have my own permission to reprint it =)

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jagman Premium
Here is another FREE PDF maker.
R-L-Atch Premium
I agree, great tutorial Jennifer! Thank you for sharing... Cheers!

Yegeta Premium
I agree, great tutorial Jennifer! Thank you for sharing... Cheers!

Cash4Anthony Premium
Another great tutorial by Jennifer! Thank you so much! :)
Rob1767 Premium
Another great tutorial by Jennifer! Thank you so much! :)