5. Use Captions at All Times

15% of Facebook users, who watch videos, watch with no sound on.

Does this click something?

Of course, it does. There’s the need for you to use captions to make them understand what your video is all about, even without sound.

Alongside your captivating introduction, use captions. This will awaken the user’s interest to turn on the sound and fully watch the video.

6. Moderate the Length of Your Video

Nowadays, people devote little attention to videos. Due to this, at the span of your video range, you have to cut to the chase and be brief.

Facebook allows the duration of videos from 1 second to 240 minutes. So I suggest you make your video long enough to cover your point and, at the same time, brief.

Range of 15- 60 seconds sized videos does the best to convey your message, provided you have the right audience.

7. Create Videos for All Stages of the Funnel

If you have been through the latest marketing blog, no doubt you are familiar with the word “funnel”. A funnel is the stage a buyer undergoes from the time of reaching out through the stage of buying from you.

As they undergo these stages, they need different types of messaging to make their decision. At the top of the funnel, customers can get introduced to you through the use of videos.

Down the funnel, more specific videos are needed to gain your customers' trust over your competitors.

At the bottom of the funnel, specific messaging and a call-to-action are required. This will help them make their final decision to buy from you and become your customers.

At every stage of the funnel, create videos that will appeal to your audience. Remember every person is at this stage. Thus, they need something quite different from the others.

8. Choose the Right Objective for Your Facebook Video Marketing Campaign

You are given a variety of objectives when you create campaigns on Facebook. You may opt for the video views campaign objective. But there is more to it than this objective.

In fact, this might not even be your objective for the campaign. Look through the list and choose the best objective that fits your campaigns.

Audience Based on Video Views

Create an audience based on video views. This allows you to retarget a person who has watched your videos.

To do this:

  • Create “video” as the audience type in your Facebook Audience Management
  • Choose a video view length. It enables you to see how much of your video a person had watched
  • Click the link to choose a video as this helps you choose the creatives you want to build your audience on.

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Celebee Premium
Thanks for sharing another great post
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome onboard, Celebee! Glad you found my video marketing tutorial interesting and useful! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji
lesabre Premium
Thank you for sharing another great lesson Israel.

Best wishes,
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, Michael! Glad you enjoyed my video marketing training! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji
Parameter Premium
Thank you Israel. Video content is fast becoming the order of the day. I am really working on how I can double my effort with video creation in the coming year.
This is really timely for me
Israel17 Premium
Good to know, Ayodeji! Implementing the video marketing strategy will go a long way in moving your blogging game to the next level in 2021. Glad it came in handy!

Israel Olatunji
mcb247 Premium
Nice content thanks for sharing
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your comment, mcb247! Glad you enjoyed my video marketing tutorial! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji