Site speed ...

A vital SEO factor ... and a never ending problem ...

A problem that involves (too) many factors. Not so long ago I published a tutorial addressing the most important ones ...

Here it is again ...

Website speed optimization - Definitive guide

These factors will have a major impact on site speed ...

But there are many other ways and small tricks that can give you an additional speed boost ...

And very often, we tend to forget these "minor" factors ... Which is wrong, because several minor improvements can - and eventually will - make a big difference ...

And I already created a few tutorials on these issues ...

How to improve your site speed on mobile devices

How to increase your site speed with lazy loaded images

As you can see, the last method is using the lazy load feature to "dynamically" load the images on a given page ... What does it mean? Well, basically, you are "delaying" the load of all those images which are not visible in the above the fold area.

In plain English: instead of loading all your images at once, lazy loading downloads only the images that will be visible on users screen. It replaces all other images with a placeholder image, and when the user scrolls down, your website will load the "new" images that are now visible in the browser’s viewing area.

Now here's the thing ...

Comments will also increase the page size ... which of course will affect the load time and the user experience on your site. Loading a bunch of comments and Gravatars will take some time and is completely "pointless" while the visitor is seeing the top of the page ...

So it's recommended to implement the lazy loading solution for comments too ... By not loading the comments right away, you can significantly improve the page load speed especially when you already have a lot of comments. And needless to say, it also improves user experience on slower internet connections and smaller screens ...

So I've decided to create this short tutorial to show you how easy is to set up a lazy-load solution for your Wordpress comments.


Let's do this!

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MaryFRM Premium
Thank you!
Adding this plugin as well.
WA Site Health is not going to like the total number of my plugins, but who cares?
smartketeer Premium
Thanks Maria!
AnneBarton Premium
Thanks , all good stuff .
smartketeer Premium
Thanks Anne!
FKelso Premium Plus
Does the size of your website make a difference? If it is still fairly small, do images still slow things down that much? At what point is it a good idea to utilize the lazy loads?
smartketeer Premium
Whenever you have poor site speed results ...

See the screenshot for your site speed test using a Washingtom DC server

1.22 s is not bad at all ... Actually is quite good ... However the yellow performance grade means that you could improve it even more
FKelso Premium Plus
So the lazy comment plugin might help?
smartketeer Premium
Which one? Images or comments?

As far as I know, you don't have too many comments yet ... But you have omages ... And literally speaking both solutions will help ...
porrasgelija Premium
Thank you for another great training
smartketeer Premium
Thank you for another great comment :)
Blessedalso2 Premium
Thanks, Zed!

Your explanation of necessity is clear and precise!

I really appreciate how your educational tutorials put us in the best position to be successful.

All the best,

Your #1 student!

smartketeer Premium
Thanks for being my loyal reader Diane!