Identify Your Passion

Passion is the very topic every newbie blogger needed to understand even on starting out without which success may not be attainable in the long run. Your passion is majorly your niche or blogging expertise. It’s the main idea you’re going to be blogging about.

If you eventually discover that you don’t always know what to write about or rather find it difficult to choose a topic for a blog post, know that you’re blogging in another person’s niche, not in yours and there would be no feasible way for you to improve your blog posts.

So, for you to be able to rock your blog, you must understand the concept of niche and how you can identify the right niche to blog about lest you give up too quickly.

Identify Your Ideal Blog Readers

Once you’ve chosen your blog niche, it’s time to identify who you’ll be writing for – your ideal target audience. Your blog readers are your audiences who will be checking back constantly to read the latest posts on your blog. They are more or less your blog subscribers – the people who willfully subscribed to your blog posts and love what you do on your site every day.

With the right knowledge of who your audiences are, you’ll be driving your blogging vehicle towards the right direction and won’t be keeping up a boring blog.

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AlanJE Premium Plus
Great advice about blog improvement, Israel, thanks, Alan.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for leaving a valuable thought, Alan! Much grateful! If you would try every possible means following the pro blogging fundamentals in your write-ups, you'll start seeing bright changes in the quality of your posts. Thanks for stopping by! See you at the top soon!

Israel Olatunji
JulietAA Premium
Thanks for this training Israel
Israel17 Premium
You are much welcome, Juliet. Thanks for reading this training and for finding it helpful! I'm more than excited at seeing you make new resolutions to improve the quality of your blog posts. You'll surely rock. Keep on rocking, my friend. Keep on building. Keep on creating. Getting to the top is guaranteed.

Israel Olatunji
Villaginger Premium
Great training Israel, it truly helped me get back to blogging as me, and not trying to live up to some abstract set of standards.
I find that I can produce better content when talking to my readers as myself. Let my personality shine through and that also makes it more entertaining for the reader and for myself.
Israel17 Premium
I like your courage, Virginia. Thanks for reading this training! Talking to readers passionately will definitely help you improve the quality of your content naturally and trying to reach them at their pain point will make you attract a more potential audience to your blog. Thanks for your great contribution! Looking forward to your future accomplishments!

Israel Olatunji