The Stages of the Buyer’s Journey

It is important to understand that content works best when it aligns with different stages of the buyer's journey.

  • Awareness is the first step on a buyer's journey. This is where you introduce others to your business. You highlight your distinct features and you can describe why your product is better than the other.
  • Next, you need to grab the attention of your audience by giving them something that will make them curious about what you do. This is the stage where potential customers do a bit more research about you and your products. This phase allows you to extend the intent or content attention span to longer pieces of content.

You should also ask them for their email. You can gradually move them up the funnel to the conversion stage by using e-mail marketing.

  • Your buyer is likely to have reached this point and is now looking for more information beyond what they can find on Google. The consideration phase involves digging deeper to create customized content that is centered on the issue or challenge.
  • We have reached the conversion stage. This is where all our hard work should pay off. We now know that prospects are interested in the products and services we offer. So now, we need to get them to complete the transaction.

This content should include clear descriptions of your products, which will highlight the unique value they offer customers. This could also include comparisons with other products or to your competitors.

  • Retention is the last aspect. Retention is about encouraging clients to continue working with you over time or repeat sales. Provide outstanding customer service and help documentation.

HubSpot's article titled, The Ultimate Guide to Content Creation explains why content creation is important and teaches you how to plan content to reach your goals.

Smart objectives are important for any business before you start planning your content. These will give you a better understanding of your current situation and the goals you should be aiming for in the future.

Next, an evolving plan!

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RogerMackley Premium
Hello Lily, your How to Implement a Content Marketing Strategy? is a useful and informative read. Info on social media marketing is always helpful. Good point to regularly improve and upgrade your strategy to meet customers needs. Well presented training Lily, thanks.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Just a few reminders to help us build our content for maximum value.
Thanks for your support Roger.
Lily 😁🎶
richardgb Premium
Hi Lily ... excellent training full of content. Thank you.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so kind Richard.
I'm pleased that you enjoyed my training and found tips to help.

Lily 😁🎶
Christorv Premium Plus
Greatly appreciating this training, Lily- love it 🤣

Though I am in local lead generation I have started implementing content blogs on the websites. I am now looking at wrting 1000+-word articles instead of the 500-word articles I have been doing so far. Hopefully this helps a bit on my journey.

Will be back to go over this again 👍
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Sounds like a great plan Christo.
Learning to write great content is all part of the journey.
You'll be amazed at how quickly you become good at it.
Lily 😁🎶
Israel17 Premium
What an intriguing training resource, Lily! Anyone who needs to be successful at building a site needs this resource. Thanks for a great job!

Israel Olatunji
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are very welcome Israel.
Success is in excellence and content is king.

Lily 😁🎶
baughsten Premium Plus
Excellent . Thanks for sharing this training. Very helpful
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so welcome.
I'm glad to help.

Lily 😁🎶