What This Means to You

If you own any website which is being monetized with Google AdSense, you HAVE to comply with this new "cookie consent" policy.

You need to make changes to your site before September 30th, 2015 or else... you risk having your site banned from AdSense.

Trust me... I know what it feels like being banned and having my business ruined: http://nichehacks.com/lessons-learned-viral-news/

Even if you aren't targeting your site directly to EU visitors that does not mean there won't be any.

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dunbar Premium
Thanks Louie, i think we all really needed to know this,it could have been bad if we went the wrong way, cheers Helen
ps, after this I need a cuppa oh and a cookie, haha
LouieLuc Premium
Hi Helen, thanks!
I love cookies too. :P
KatieMac Premium
That is really helpful and was easy to follow so now I am EU compliant more rules eh.. thank you so much the only worry I have is that it is about the amount of plugins
LouieLuc Premium
Don't worry about the amount of plugins (it's not about the quantity but how much they weight on your site -- I'll have to create another training to explain that). This one here is really needed, unless you own programming skills. :)

Thanks for you comment, KatieMac.
Best of luck! :)
KatieMac Premium
that would be wonderful look forward to that, and yes this training was needed as time runs out after tomorrow and I do not posses programming skills.. once again thanks
LouieLuc Premium
No problem Katie! I'll create that training very soon now.
Be sure to follow me if you don't already so you receive my training notifications. :)
Thank you!
KatieMac Premium
Am following you now have a good evening
LouieLuc Premium
Thanks, good evening Katie. :)
KatieMac Premium
we are into Wednesday morning now so its off to bed with me.. have a great week
EKautz Premium
Where does it actually state that this needs to be done for those living outside the EU?

I've heard a great deal of inspirational assumptions and not one shows the LAW or requirement or points to a place to see it. Some give a date as an ultimate time to be in compliance and these dates do not match. Some say they've received an email from Google regarding AdSense, I have not.

So what is the REAL deal?

I have no problem conforming to laws and social prerogatives that I do not agree with as I've done this all my life. I just want to see officially what I'm dealing with before I act.

So as "Wot's... Uh the Deal?".

Thank you for the training on this Louie.

LouieLuc Premium
I received an email from Google AdSense myself informing me.
I can paste the entire text here if you like, or add a screenshot to the training.

But here's a link that's included in the referred email:
"EU User Consent" https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy.html

And yeap the date is September 30th, 2015. It says it in that email too.
«Please ensure that you comply with this policy as soon as possible, and not later than 30th September 2015.»

Of course that this means that any AdSense Publisher must comply to this new rule because his/her site will certainly receive some visitors (end users for Google) from the EU.

EKautz Premium
Thanks for the link Louie.

I do not see a date anywhere on the link, nor on the Google website.

I did however find out more details regarding this issue with EU compliance and am putting it into a blog for all to see.

LouieLuc Premium
Here's the screenshot of the mail I got from Google where they refer the date.
EKautz Premium
Yep, plain and clear on the email. I wonder why that I did not get an email like that. Do you recall the title of the email, I'd like to go back and search my email folders and trash and see if I missed it?


LouieLuc Premium
The email's subject was "[Google Ads Policy Team] Important information regarding the user consent policy" and it has sent on July 27.
EKautz Premium
Thanks Louie. Looks like I never got it.
LouieLuc Premium
No problem E. :)
EKautz Premium
bkbkool Premium
Thanks for the heads up and the lesson.
LouieLuc Premium
Thanks for you comment bkbkool!
LouieLuc Premium
People, if you need help, please leave a comment!