Once you have nailed your consistency, content and analytics, your next step is to develop great engagement tactics.

There are 3 engagement tactics that will land you your valuable client on Instagram. They are:

  1. Hashtag Tactics
  2. Ideal Follower Tactics
  3. Steal your competitor followers Tactics

1. Hashtag Tactics
The power of Hashtags is often under-estimated. Hashtags have the power to expose you to a bigger audience and niche followers.

How to use the Hashtag tactics.

a. Go to Hashtags from:

  • Your most recent post
  • Niche hashtags
  • Hashtags from a competitor's most recent post

b. Engage with 10 people on each hashtag

Remember that some people including myself follow hashtags and that means that you are exposed to even bigger audiences.

Why Hashtag Tactics Works:
This tactic focuses your engagement and visibility efforts on a niche and industry-specific targeted hashtags which will give you a list of targeted new followers to engage with.

2. Ideal Follower Tactics
When looking for your ideal follower, you have to think about where they might hang out. What are your ideal follower's likes and dislikes? Is your ideal follower in fashion? Is your ideal follower a parent? Once you know who your ideal follower is, your next step is to find them.

How to use the ideal follower tactics.
Search for your ideal follower by going to an ideal follower's account → go to suggested followers → and follow and engage with 3 people → then go down the “rabbit hole” and keep following and engaging with suggested followers of suggested followers 1-3 times
deep. Rinse and repeat and do this 5 times a week.

Why Ideal Follower Tactics Works:
This tactic gives you a specific list of qualified people to follow and engage with that are brand new and similar to your ideal client.

3. 'Steal your competitor followers' Tactics

This is an old trick done across the online business world. You have to regularly spy on your competitor in a friendly way.

How to use 'steal your competitor followers' tactics

To do this, set up a notification for your competitor so that you are the first to know when they post on their Instagram page.

Once your competitor has posted, like and add a meaningful comment, then watch as other people add comments → engage with all the people who commented on their
most recent post.

Why 'steal your competitor followers' Works: This tactic gives you a specific list of qualified people to follow and engage with because they are following a competitor
AND they commented meaning they are active/engaged and thus more likely to engage with you as well.

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Ejadamen Premium
This was a lot of good information that I plan to follow up on once I get my website up and earning. I learned new things. I started using the hashtag methods and gained new followers already.
13weeks Premium
That’s wonderful
I’m so pleased you found the training useful.
Ahimbe Premium
Instagram is a platform that I want to use more, so I find this training quite helpful. Thank you for sharing this information.
13weeks Premium
Thank you, Edgar. I am glad you found it useful.
YvonneBray Premium
I like your tutorial on Instagram. I'm not a very big fan of it but I do see how useful it can be to me. Thank you for helping me understand Instagram better.
13weeks Premium
Thank you, Yvonne, for your comment. I am happy to help you further if you need it.