There are 3 initiation methods to use to interact with your ideal clients. They are:

  1. DM Method
  2. Poll Method
  3. Engagement Stickers Method.

1. DM Method

The DM means direct messaging. In order to get people to send you DM, you need to go to the settings on your Instagram story and change it to allow DM's. The other three ways to initiate conversions with your ideal followers through DMs are:

  • Swiping up on their stories.
  • Messaging them from their account after engaging.
  • From your own IG live or stories, look at who is watching and go DM those people.

2. Poll Method

The Poll feature is available on your Instagram Story. To effectively use the poll feature, go to your story controls and click on allow message replies. Also, allow resharing to stories that means that other people can add your posts to their stories.

Top tip: Add an interactive poll to your story regularly.

3. Engagement Stickers Method

Engagement stickers are available in your Instagram story. There are different engagement stickers like the Question sticker, the Quiz sticker, the Poll sticker, the Countdown sticker and the Slider sticker.

Here are the 3 steps to enhance your use of the engagement sticker.

Step 1. Post an engagement sticker on your stories.
Step 2. Engage with 20 people who viewed the story.
Step 3. DM at least 10 people who responded to the poll or question or quiz.

These methods will surely increase your chances of getting your ideal client.

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Ejadamen Premium
This was a lot of good information that I plan to follow up on once I get my website up and earning. I learned new things. I started using the hashtag methods and gained new followers already.
13weeks Premium
That’s wonderful
I’m so pleased you found the training useful.
Ahimbe Premium
Instagram is a platform that I want to use more, so I find this training quite helpful. Thank you for sharing this information.
13weeks Premium
Thank you, Edgar. I am glad you found it useful.
YvonneBray Premium
I like your tutorial on Instagram. I'm not a very big fan of it but I do see how useful it can be to me. Thank you for helping me understand Instagram better.
13weeks Premium
Thank you, Yvonne, for your comment. I am happy to help you further if you need it.