Author GarenArnold
Rank 1747

As Kyle has stated he doesn't use any Amazon plugins, but if you do choose to use one here is how you get your Amazon secret access key and Amazon access key ID.

You shouldn't need these keys if you are just using Amazon Associates program without using a 3rd party plugin like Easy Azon, WooZone, Amazon Link, etc. Only for an Amazon plugin that requires that you use a secret access key or and ID.

It's a pretty straight forward process.

Make sure you DO NOT use AWS Amazon. This is NOT tied to your Amazon Associates account.

Once, you have signed up you will be able to get the required information that you need.

It's important that you have the required information otherwise there is no way to tie it to your Amazon Associates account. Meaning, you won't get credit for commissions.

Please let me know if you have any questions down below.

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pitin Premium
Awesome Garen. Good timing for an article I just wrote in one of my sites. :) I'm using an Amazon plugin and reviewed it but one of my referrals cannot get the access id (she's a new Amazon associate, no sales yet)...Does she needs to be accepted (make a sale first) before she can get access to the secret key/id?
GarenArnold Premium
Is she in the Amazon Associates dashboard? They are two completely different things. AWS is for root access. The reason I ask is that she can probably just see her ID, but probably can't see her secret key.
pitin Premium
I gave her a link to this tutorial and see if she can the access the key without being accepted in the program first. I'll let you know again. Thank you!
jvranjes Premium
She cannot use API unless she is an approved affiliate. This was introduced last year.
GarenArnold Premium
Yeah, I just saw that they updated their policy in 2018 which states you have to have 3 sells.
pitin Premium
Thank you!
GarenArnold Premium
Video updated. Sorry for the confusion. Do not use AWS just use Amazon Associates.
pitin Premium
Thanks alot Garen!
jvranjes Premium
Do you realize that your ID and secret access key are visible?
GarenArnold Premium
Yeah just temporarily for a second or so :)
jvranjes Premium
But this is enough, I have them both just to demonstrate that this is not good. Can send you if you wish. Make sure to change them if possible.
GarenArnold Premium
ok thanks for the heads up. I will certainly do it!
jvranjes Premium
By the way, AWS is not necessary. I had some issue with them when they contacted me for some reason and I realized that I had no business with them. Then I asked Amazon what AWS was, and got a reply that this was not Amazon. This was a strange answer because you get to their link through Amazon. In any case, I get my access keys and IDs directly through my affiliate account.
GarenArnold Premium
Yes, I understand. To get that information in Amazon Associates you go Tools>Product Advertising API> and then at the bottom you have add in your credentials. This will then show you your ID and secret password.
jvranjes Premium
I never understood the purpose of AWS, had a long episode with them last year, they wanted me to confirm some data and I said wait I have nothing to do with you. They even arranged a phone call etc.
GarenArnold Premium
Yeah, it's for developers. In the process of updating the training video :)

Big thanks for the heads up!