AdSense for Video Requirements

Before you can use AdSense for Video, you must ensure that you meet all requirements. You will find each requirement below. If you would like to see the reference documentation, Google is always up-to-date.

Html5 Video Player

The video content volume limit is the most likely item to disqualify you. If that doesn’t happen, it could be an issue with AdSense policies. Many third-party video players integrate the technology necessary to run AdSense Video ads or have AdSense compatibility built-in.

YouTube Family Safe

A sufficient load of content is essential. You must have good content that has a certain number of views. Google says, “Have a high quantity of video content. That is, more than 40% with over 2,000,000 video impressions per month.”

That is a significant roadblock for many smaller websites and app owners. As it turns out, AdSense for Video is primarily aimed at large-spectrum ad agencies that monetize a lot more than one app or site with lots of video content and strong impressions.

It is unlikely that a small blog with only a handful of videos per month will have enough traffic to allow you to apply.

Next, you will need to know the technical specifications. A video player must be compatible with VAST 3.0 or VPAID 2.JS. Talk to the person responsible for implementing your video content if you are unsure.

Google’s ads are limited in technology compatibility and security.

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JKulk1 Premium
I've yet to get into Adsense, let alone one for video. But it's certainly an interesting prospect. Jim
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
The time will come. Jim. 😁
Henry-II Premium
Hi Lily,

Thank you for sharing these points. It's good to know what the requirements are. And most of us can see at what point we are concerning traffic and figure out what will work for us.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
So true Henry.They help you to plan ahead.

Lily 😁🎶
Bootcamp20 Premium
I see I will Need To Keep an online File, Thanks For Sharing .
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Sounds like a plan, Tony. There is always more to learn here.

Bootcamp20 Premium
Yes, I think my head is going to "POP" !

HELP ! HELP ! Please !

Thanks For Sharing !

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Boy do I know that feeling Tony.
Oooh I've got a headache. 😆
Siobhan3 Premium
This is good to know, for later anyway.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
So pleased for you Siobhan.
Lily 😁🎶