Step 4: Using Personal Accountability to Boost Execution

In our aspiring marathoner example, what if they train on their own without engaging a coach- or at least an accountability partner? They'd never know if they are getting any competitive compared to other professional marathoners out there. They'd think they are the best until the day of the competition only to get a shocker defeat.

Find a Mentor or a Person you Highly Regard

In my online business example, getting a coach or an accountability partner would be to look for a person whom I trust and who could play a role of a mentor of a kind or an authority over me that I could account for my progress to.

Somebody to whom you could not like to report that I'm failing. Somebody who understands me.

They might not even know exactly what I'm doing but I'd let them know that it's very important for me to achieve the goal that I'll tell them I'm trying to achieve. Their role would be to listen to me committing to my own goals, and to evaluate if I made true the commitment I made on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Whenever I'd know that I'd be having a personal accountability discussion with this person, I'd always make sure that I'm going to give positive feedback on having succeeded in my weekly goals.

Final Word

When one has a clear Ultimate Goal, daily/weekly chunks of targeted consistent activities make desired results achievable in the end. Remember the 2 tools I've outlined that would ensure all distractions are kept at a minimum:

1. An Accountability Summary Board is very important. It should show at a quick glance what the current goal is, projected time frames, desired lead results, and the progressive ultimate results.

2. Having an Accountability Person or Team that one respects and that has authority of a kind over them. Someone not like your regular buddy. Someone whom you cannot go laughing off failures you are making in life- but rather someone that will understand the seriousness of your commitment and would be willing to support you achieve your goals even without them meddling.

This is a sure method that will bear fruits in the end if given full commitment and if fanned with the correct online affiliate marketing strategies.

Please leave your comments on any other tools you have found that could keep goal setters on track!

Boniface, your other brother

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