Author MikeAkers
Rank 2887

How To Find A Theme

In this video we will show you how to find a them that fits your website. We will show you how to delete a theme and also how to activate a theme.

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DKMade Premium
"Mr.Mackey" (South Park reference...ok) another great video. Do you know I NEVER saw that filter button? It wouldn't have helped my problems at all but it would have saved hours of scrolling through the 5000+ websites to find one that had the requirements I needed. That's what happens when you don't take that step back, take a few deep breaths and attack a problem level headed and calmly. I was worried about it taking longer to monetize and now I wasted a good 1-2 days stressing to find the ideal theme. A member finally asked me what I wanted to do, I told her, she said this theme, I said but it doesn't have this, she said none do, that's a plug-in, I said OOOoooo, I had the new theme back up to speed in one afternoon and had no problem since. Being calm, being not afraid to make a mistake and not being afraid to ask for help, really is the key to all this. With all my downtime, I have also reached rank 82 in only 4 weeks (not that it;s important to me as it doesn't make me money but it's nice to judge your progress) You do the work, you stay focused, anything is possible. Thanks again Mr.Mackey!!
MikeAkers Premium
That cracks me up!! I'm glad this helped you even if it was late!

Sometimes we get off track but it's great when we get back and moving forward! Onward we go hi ho!!

Have a great day my friend!
jetrbby80316 Premium
Filter button was an excellent point to make here, I used to miss it too.
NickV1 Premium
That sounds great
MikeAkers Premium
Thanks Nick!
LKerkhove Premium
Awesome thanks a lot
MikeAkers Premium
You're welcome Linda!
JohnProbert1 Premium
Thanks Mike for sharing this tutorial very easy to follow

MikeAkers Premium
Thank you John and you're welcome too my friend.
mikewood1975 Premium
Thank you. I do not like one of the themes I am using, but am afraid of messing everything up if I change it.
MikeAkers Premium
Hey Mike thanks for the comment. If you want to change it, all you need to do is open your website in two different tabs. Go to the one and change your theme and see how it looks and works. If it is not what you need you can close that tab and work with your old theme.

I hope this helps.

DKMade Premium
Good day Mike, take it from someone that has changed themes 4 times in 6 weeks due to theme conflicts, Just msg SiiteSupport, inform them that you are changing your theme, ask them to do a backup and how long till they will start doing the standard backups again. I would also get a backup plug-in and do one yourself but that's just me and my great luck with computers...again, 4 themes in 6 weeks lol. Then go crazy messing about finding something you like to test everything, make sure the functionality of it is going to do all that you have planned. Don't worry about the content at this time, make sure your layout will work, any buttons or image carousels, fonts, colors, menu options, headers etc... Once you got the theme you like activate it and most of your content will transfer over without too much problem but some you will have to redo but the changes will only be minor. If you need more time on your backup, just msg Site Support and notify theme. They are usually really quick to respond, 10-15 minutes most times. I have found it best to really work a theme for options before adding your content so like me, you don't run into theme conflicts with a certain page builder or another plug-in you wish to use or maybe it doesn't have all the options you had wished for like a top bar or a brand color palette or a 5 widget footer or whatever you desire. Best to know from the start then 2 weeks and 30 hours later.
Lastly, if you are like me, this is probably your first website and won't be your last, so don;t be afraid to make mistakes, now is when you want to make them, not later on. Most people are so worried and want to make the money now but this truly is a marathon, not a sprint. You most likely got a good 6 months before you see any real money so use this time to learn, experience and master as much as you possibly can. Remember, there's no stupid question unless you don't know your name.
mikewood1975 Premium
I will try this. Thank you.
MikeAkers Premium
You're welcome my friend!
jetrbby80316 Premium
Good advice.