Author Jim-Bo
Rank 69002

I've Exemplified The Eponymous Steve's Method of Finding 5 Tags for Your Blog Post in a Quick Demo!

In this demo today, inspired by our very own Ambassador Steve, I show you his method of finding keyword laden tags for your blog post. I've added my own little spin to the method, so he doesn't get me for copyright infringement. lol.

Here's a link to Steve's Blog

Steve's Cool Blog Which Inspired this Video

Bare in mind, once you've found these tags it's actually better to run each one through the keyword tool of your choice, be it WA tool or Jaaxy.

Also bare in mind, it's only my 4th or 5th attempt at doing this, so, the method could be developed further.

Hope you enjoyed the demo!

Is there something I did wrong? Could I have done something in a better way? What would you do to improve upon this method?

Leave me a comment with your thoughts and any suggestions so tweaking can be done.


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CraigUKTV Premium
Great information Jim-Bo. I will take this on-board for my next post. Thanks to Steve too.
Jim-Bo Premium
Yeah it's a great idea.

Try it yourself and refine it as you gain more knowledge.
MKearns Premium
A good method of sorting and inserting like a winning hand in cards!
Jim-Bo Premium
Thanks buddy!
jtaienao Premium
Thanks so much for the helpful tutorial.

Jim-Bo Premium
Welcome, Jerome!
Debs3 Premium
Great tutorial, Jimbo. Thank you!
Jim-Bo Premium
Thank you Debs!
rosieM Premium
I LOVE this do things so eloquently.....oops, wrong button.....and when you talk about it going slow because you're if nothing bothers or irks you.....I admire that you don't let things throw you for a loop, you just keep going...excellent example of how to do things. Wonderful training on tags.....Thank you for this excellent video! Thank you Steve for inspiring it!
Jim-Bo Premium
Thanks, Rosie...

Remember, though, I'm not an expert, and there might be huge things I'm missing in this training video.

I made it for 2 reasons...

1. I want to know if I'm doing it right myself...
2. I want to show others Steve's good idea.

Live long and prosper.

rosieM Premium
I think it was excellent training; are you going to create a second video on how to go into it further like you suggested?
Jim-Bo Premium
When I feel I'm competent enough to do the keyword research live, in my own style, Rosie, I will. I still believe I'm not understanding some fundamentals of kw research and I don't want to pass on bad habits (if I have them)...