4. WP Youtube Lyte

    It is a plugin that is known to lazy load your youtube video into your website. It is in such a way as to ensure your website loads easily. As such, the server is not overburdened with loading your videos on your website. You can then rest assured that your website will load faster.

    5. Embed Plus for YouTube

      Here comes a customizable plugin used for creating responsive galleries. It presents you with functionalities that enable you to customize the videos embedded on your WordPress website. This responsive gallery enables users to search particular videos at their convenience.

      You can access its pro features with as low as 39.99 USD, with which you will be granted access to its advanced gallery customization wizard, live stream chat, featured thumbnail images, mobile compatibility check and lots more.

      6. VideoZoom

        While all others come as plugins, VideoZoom comes as a theme. It cost $69 and does not have a free version. I deem it fit to add this theme to this list because some people will be comfortable with a theme that has a video gallery as one of its features rather than using a plugin.

        The theme is a good fit if you are starting your own YouTube channel. You are curating videos from multiple channel sources, or self-hosting your videos.

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        Recent messages
        richardgb Premium
        Hi Owoeye
        Very useful info. Thank you.
        Parameter Premium

        Thank you Rich. I am glad you found it resourceful

        olieben Premium
        nice post but from my experiences embedding videos still have an impact on your site, as opposed to using HTML

        Parameter Premium
        I quite agree with you, best practise many times is testing out what works best for you

        thelungdoc Premium
        Great information and thanks for sharing. It can be frustrating to get an embedded video to look right, be sized correctly, and to work!

        Often, a plugin is an answer!

        Parameter Premium

        You are on point Dave, I appreaciate time taken to see the post.

        maray07611 Premium
        Great info thanks for sharing
        Parameter Premium
        Thank you Ray,

        I am glad you found it engaging.
