So ... Let's see those options ...

Option #1: Block user by time

On this tab, you’ll see the list of all registered users.

You can select a user by clicking the pencil icon in the given row. Then you can add the time range when you want this user to be blocked:

Or you can block all your users at once for a given time range.

Just scroll down to the block time option, add the time intervals for each day, and click the "Apply to all" button:

And don't forget to click the blue "Update Blocked User" button to save your settings!

Option #2: Block user by date

On the next tab you can block the users by date. Similarly, you can select the targeted user(s) and you can add a date range:

And of course, you can select all your users at once in order to block them for a given date range.

Option #3: Block user permanently

The next tab will allow you to block the user(s) permanently:

As you can see in the above image, their status will be changed to red.

Option #4: Block user by role

If you want to block users with a specific user role, you need to go to the "Select User/Category" drop-down list (available on each tab) and then select "Role":

All you have to do is to select a role, define a time or date range and click on the "Update Blocked Role" button.

Notes: Keep in mind that you can’t block users with administrator user role and permissions. Also, you need to keep the plugin activated. Deactivating the plugin will automatically unblock all your blocked users!

One more thing ... In all these actions, you can use a generic message for the blocked users. But if you want, you can add a custom message for each user:

The given message will be displayed next time when the targeted user will try to login into his/her account.

OK. Let's move forward to the last lesson to see how can you unblock a given user ...

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Mike009 Premium
Thanks Zed

That was great information.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time David!
lesabre Premium
Thank you Zed. Waltzing with you is out of the question. But, yeah we can twist and shout
smartketeer Premium
I really like rocknrolla ...

Thanks Michael!
FKelso Premium
Thanks for your instructions.
smartketeer Premium
Good morning Alaska!

My pleasure :)
FKelso Premium
Good morning Romania! Hope it is a good morning for you.
smartketeer Premium
Actually is a boring 7PM here :)
FKelso Premium
Oh, well, I'd be happy if it were 7 PM because that would mean I could go back to bed little new snow here this morning. Good day to be inside and warm.
keishalina Premium
'block .... unblock ... block ...' ....

.... ok Zzz -- now we're becoming a bunch of 'blockheads!' .... lol

.... just enjoying this tut.-tuttit-tut.! .... gotta have some fun sometimes ....

enjoy a wonderful day & life! ... it's all good ...

thanks kindly for showing us 'how to' do everything correctly the first time ... much appreciated ....

cheerio ..... 😊
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for your time and your comment Mylady!

Oh ... and thanks for making me blockhead ... Now I'm blocked ...
keishalina Premium
hey ... by the way, just want to confirm something --

so we actually have to keep the plug-in installed to have it continually be 'on guard duty?!' .... would it 'block' anything else other than a user? ....
smartketeer Premium
Yep. You need to keep it installed and activated otherwise the previously blocked users will be automatically unblocked.

Nope. Won't block anything ...
keishalina Premium
.. k .. 😊
MKearns Premium
Thanks for this tutorial zed. Now that we have Gutenberg it's great t have the operating manual updated!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for your time and your comment my friend!

But I'm a bit lost ... How is Gutenberg related to this tutorial?
MKearns Premium
When Wordpress is menti9ned I think Gutenberg these days
smartketeer Premium
Bad sign :)