Some themes (for example, iFeatures) already have the favicon option built into them. If so, it’s a simple three-step process to install a favicon.

I’ll use the iFeatures example since I’m familiar with that one:

1. Log in to your WordPress site, go to your “Dashboard”, click on “Appearance”, and then click on the “iFeatures Options” link .

2. Click on “Header” and you should see a list of “Header Options”. Scroll down until you see “Favicon” and click the button to turn it “On”. Below that you’ll see “Custom Favicon”.

3. Click “Browse” and open the picture you want to use. Scroll back up to the top of the page and click “Save Options”. You should see your picture posted under the “Custom Favicon” area and on your site’s tab.

There you have easy, breezy, beautiful favicon!

If you want to have a little fun, go to and create your’s free :)

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jhoecannon Premium
Vice training...but, I have a question. I created a favicon at and then I downloaded it. It downloaded it as an icon image. How do I change it to a .gif image so that I can use it in the All In One Favicon plugin?
inner1beauty Premium
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

It depends on what operating system you're using. I have Windows 7 with Paint as one of the programs contained in it.

When I download an image to my hard drive, I open Paint, click on the drop down button and then I choose "Open", find the pic I want to manipulate, and open it.

Once it's in Paint, you can choose "Save As" to save it as a .png, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, or other format. Hope this helps!
Sachindra Premium
Thanks for this good and useful training. I managed to change my website favicon
inner1beauty Premium
You're welcome, I'm glad it helped you.
kendrickk Premium
This is some impressive training here! Thanks I now know how to do this. It is easy to understand. Again awesome training.
inner1beauty Premium
Thanks, Kendrick, I'm glad you liked it!
David_S Premium
Very simple and easy to follow!
inner1beauty Premium
Thanks, David :)
anindochk Premium
THanks a lot! I finally managed to change my Favicon!! :)
inner1beauty Premium
You're welcome...I'm glad it worked for you!