As I am moving through Course 5 of the WA Bootcamp training, I am being pulled out of comfort zone to begin creating videos. As much I enjoy creating new training for WA, I am not comfortable with doing video. One of the reasons is that through my entire elementary school years, I was in speech therapy and even today as an adult, I still have difficulty pronouncing certain words and struggle with my lifelong speed impediment. Therefore, I hate the sound of my own voice on video. It has made me self-conscious and afraid to do any kind of public speaking and doing videos is not much different. That being said, I am a believer in getting out of your comfort zone. And doing a video does qualify.

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WilliamBoyle Premium
Dear Steph
Flash and java have big time security issues, because many websites have moved on to HTML5 for videos. I think youtube uses it now. Tried to stream a move from Amazon. It stopped using MS Silver light and will only allow flash to play in Firefox. Hard to keep up, I think Netflix is now using HTML5. I have disabled flash and java in Chrome, I set it on click to play because many websites still use flash. What a mess hard to keep up!

stephhill Premium Plus
Hi William!

That does sound difficult to keep up with. I am not sure what YouTube uses for videos. It might be HTML 5. I have had a hard time streaming from Amazon as well. Thank you for offering more insight into the world of videos. :)

WilliamBoyle Premium
Of course! :)
WilliamBoyle Premium
Hi Steph, great to connect with you as always. I totally agree Adobe is big $$$ and would take as long if not longer to learn as it would to get a biz going here on WA. We are smart people here, surely we should be able to grab something we can afford for now.

Best to you Steph, always...

William :)
stephhill Premium Plus
Absolutely! Check out some of the other price options on different screen casting software. There are a total of 18 pages of varying screen casting and video editing software.
Robert-A Premium
I believe Camtasia Studio 8 is by far the best and I'm going to publish an article about it on my website.
Thanks for the info on Adobe Steph.
Have a nice day.
stephhill Premium Plus
Hi Robert!

I think I may have confused many folks. There are more pages to this training than the first page listing Adobe Captivate. I added a paragraph on top to make it more clear that there are other affordable and often FREE chooses out there as you navigate through the training. :)

Robert-A Premium
No probs Steph. I'm sure other interested members wil find what you have published and if not them you just point them in the right direction.
Enjoy your weekend.
Kingfisher Premium
Far too 'techie' for me, thanks Steph!
stephhill Premium Plus
There are other products that are listed are some of my other pages of this training. I agree that Adobe is far too techy.
Marilynm1 Premium
Wow. That was a terrific tutorial. I only knew about Camtasia and Snagit yet thought there may be more. I am sure you will get out of your comfort zone and realise it is what you say that is important. I am sure you will have something important to say!
Many thanks Steph.
stephhill Premium Plus
Thank you Marilyn. It is good to get out my comfort zone. :)