Place an image and words on your product.

You can select an image from your computer or one that you have saved in a Zazzle image album.

  • Select an image.


The image that you selected will appear in the Get Started window.

  • Select the Orange button “Make it now”

Place your photo and words.

  • Select left, center or right side of the cup for placement of photo.
  • Select a position for your words.
  • Type your words and use the edit feature to format the wording font and style.

Note: I added a picture on the left side of the mug and some words on the right side. There are many options for font styles and sizes, so you can be quite creative with your work.

If you make a mistake it is easy to undo and try again.

  • When you are satisfied with your design select the red letters “Post for sale”

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Sounds like fun do you know how much you can make?
yessharon Premium Plus
"Show Me the Money"

Read this Squidoo lens which shares how much some of the Zazzle members earn.

As with everything in life it takes hard work and persistence, but you will succeed..
angelle Premium
Cool idea! Thanks!
yessharon Premium Plus
It is a cool idea. Your Welcome.
Divine23 Premium
Much thanks...allow me to looks interesting.
yessharon Premium Plus
Thanks for checking it out.
Hudson Premium
Thanks for this - sounds good and I will give it a try, regards, Hudson
mama2karsten Premium
I am familiar with Zazzle... fun stuff. My youngest son designed some crazy looking tennis shoes.