As is seen in the above image, I clicked on the top window in the Text Priorities UI and a font style window appears allowing me to select up to 116 different fonts. The font currently selected is called Luckiest Guy. Once you have the text typed out it is time to edit.
In the image above you will see near the bottom of the UI a colored square with the letter ‘A’ next to it. When you click on the little down arrow in the lower right corner it will pop open the “Color Picker.” It is here that you adjust the color of your font. In the below image, the color picker will adjust the color of the text boarder.
The Color Picker for the boarder is identified on the UI as a white open square to the left of a black square with a small down arrow. Also notice that this particular Color Picker has a slider bar at the bottom called “intensity.” This allows you to adjust how bold you want the boarder to be.
And finally in the above image the Color Picker, which looks the same as the previous one is for adjusting the background of where the text is being placed. This function is represented as a solid white square to the left of a black square.
I personally like the intensity to be set to 0 so this way my text looks more part of the original image instead of it looking like you added it, even though that is what you are doing. It just looks more professional.
And the image above is how my image looked once I finished customizing the text. Remember, the word FREE was already a part of the image. I just added the text, “start an online business” and “click here.” I chose a readable font, made it roughly the same color, and gave it a red boarder.
NEXT UP = Making a very simple watermark