Author danbarth87
Rank 284191

In this training I show you an effective way to make an animated video for your website, or even for WA itself.

The three Animation programs I reference in this program are:
1. Blender
2. Sparkol
3. GoAnimate

Because of the versatility, options and ease of use GoAnimate is the animation program that I walk you through. In this video I go into a little more detail.

Disclaimer: This is NOT something that you have to do! If this is something you want to make remember- follow through the courses here at WA and once your website is up and running with quality content, THEN you can make a video. Don't put the cart before the horse, as they say. Content is king, get your ducks in a row before you make an animated marketing video for your website!

I hope this training was helpful to you. Thanks for checking it out!

Let me know if you have any questions or comments or anything, I will be glad to help.
Thanks and see you next time!


Notice: One other quick note: In the beginning of the video I mention that a video can give you more authority.I was not talking about authority with Google or other search engines.
Authority is defined as: "an accepted source of information, advice." ( A video will not bring more SEO authority but can help you look like a more reliable, accepted source of information, i.e. more professional.

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Dgegegegwg Premium
Do you post your videos to YouTube or directly to your site?
gregmpyles Premium
I think it would be easier to publish your video on youtube and then copy the url or embed it to your page or post.
Dgegegegwg Premium
I was debating abandoning YouTube, since I have 2 whole subscribers and don't get any traffic at all, but for this reason alone, I think you're right.
BenORourke Premium
Thanks Dan, that is a great resource to know about.
danbarth87 Premium
Glad it was helpful
TheOldSilly Premium
Kewl beanz - thanks for this!
Loes Premium
Thanks, I have bookmarked you!
danbarth87 Premium
Loes Premium
I just love this stuff:)
mrpeter Premium
Thanks Dan. I'm going to have a go at this!
danbarth87 Premium
Very cool! Glad it was helpful