Second Way to Create a Site Icon

If you have a theme that does not support an easy way to upload a site icon, you can do it via using code. Many people are afraid to even mess with the code of their website and if you are not comfortable with it, there are other options on the next pages.

To proceed with this way, you will first need to create a small 16 x 16 image that can be used as your Site Icon. You can do that easily by using a Favicon Generator.

Go to one of the following sites and upload an image that you want converted into your Site Icon.

Using HTML Code

Once your site icon has been created, upload the file into your media library in your WordPress site. Log into your WordPress site and go to Media > Add New

Choose a file and click on the upload button

Copy the following code into the <head> section of your site. You can access the <head> section of your website, by going to Appearance > Editor and scrolling until you find the HTML tags <head>..........</head>

<link rel="icon"



** Be sure to replace with your actual niche site and yoursiteicon with the file name of your site icon. **

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theresroth Premium
Tagged, Steph, thank you!
DPolny Premium
Awesome! I never even realised there was such a thing...tunnel vision when surfing the web lol. Thank you for posting this:)
stephhill Premium Plus
We all have tunnel vision every now and then! :)
Dreamer56 Premium
Thanks Steff good stuff
Debs3 Premium
Nice job, Steph! Thank you again for another great tutorial. I'll be giving this a go within the month once I have some upgraded photo's to work with.
stephhill Premium Plus
Thank you Deb! I am glad you enjoyed it. With respect to using photos for your site icon, the photo might not work so well, because the site icon may be too small to really see the photos. Test out to see what the site icons will look like before using the photos. You do not have to use photos. You can use any image you want. Perhaps a logo if you have one? A symbol that represents your niche site? I use my photo for my WA money site, but that is has more to do with branding. I use my father's photo for his tribute site. But, for a wedding site I have, I use a small wedding icon -

So feel free to be creative with your site icons.

Debs3 Premium
Okay, thank you for letting me know (and for the examples). I see what you mean. And I am definitely wanting to get a logo done also. The person who I have in mind for helping me may come up with some cool ideas for a site icon along with logo. Exciting. I might have a few more questions once I am all ready for installing. Thank you again, Steph. You are a really big help!
MPollock Premium
Thanks. this is Awesome.
stephhill Premium Plus
You are most welcome my friend. Do you have any questions?
MPollock Premium
By the end of the week after trying this I will end up with a question or 2
stephhill Premium Plus
You bet. You know where to find me. :)
MPollock Premium
Sure do.thanks
MPollock Premium
Sure do.thanks