When you are finished visit your front page and hover over the parent menu to make sure that the drop down menu is working properly. If you want to go to a product review, click on the parent menu then click on a submenu category and you will go to the spot where you placed the anchor. Use this procedure to add a drop down menu to any page on your site.

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SPPT Premium
does it matter if you set the menu structure/layout up first beofre creating the links??? as i am having trouble getting my links to work???
paulwiekel Premium
Doesn't matter. I always set the menu structure first and put a # in the link field. This nulls the link until can find a page to point it to. :) I find that with the menu there, even if the links are duds, it helps me see the site hierarchy better.
arcormack Premium
Thank you, nice and simple.
Bryced19 Premium
Thank you.
Star4U Premium
Super helpful.THX!!!
Zeph23 Premium
Thanks, it helped a lot. I just created a drop down menu of my website
Bryced19 Premium
You are welcome. I am glad it helped.
zoeccess Premium
Hi, thank you for the training. I got new lesson here. gotta try it now :)
Bryced19 Premium
Thank you. Let me know how you made out.