Introduction to Purpose Behind this Tutorial

With the latest operating system being released - Windows 10 - we are mostly excited and happy about this latest edition. I was one of the millions who never upgraded to Windows 8, because I did not like it. I went from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I waited a little while before upgrading to Windows 10 because I knew there would be bugs that would need to be addressed, thus I did not make the move to Windows 10 until recently.

I have since been going into my settings and trying to have everything set up correctly and how I need it to be. I have noticed some frustrating things about it as well. One of those annoyances is how much RAM memory Windows 10 takes up.

One the performance issues that has been noticed with Windows 10 is its use of virtual memory. The operating system is very stingy with its allocation and if we do not have a huge amount of RAM, it can cause serious performance problems. It did for my computer because I do not have a whole lot of RAM.

In this WA tutorial, I will walk you through how to solve that problem.

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mijareze Premium
Thank you Steph.
stephhill Premium Plus
You are welcome Ed!
NazmiBudiman Premium
Although I am currently using windows 10 but I still prefer Window 7 which much more stable and reliable and user friendly.
stephhill Premium Plus
I do not blame me. Stick with Windows 7 if that is working better for you. I never used Windows 8, but I thought I would give Windows 10 a try. :) I always say stick with what works best for you. :)
HelenpDoyle Premium
Thanks Steph, good stuff. I did the same as you and waited until recently to start using Windows 10. My computer has been doing a couple of strange things so let's see if this fixes it. If not I will talk to you sooner rather than later.
stephhill Premium Plus
Sounds fine. Any problems yet? I cannot guarantee this will fix all quirky things. There are many little annoying things with Windows 10. But hopefully this will improve your performance and speed. Let me know!
HelenpDoyle Premium
Don't know yet. My first frustration was that when looking down anything (not here) like files saved in Word or Xcel the cursor keeps jumping back to the top of the list. Then I have to find out where I was and by then it has jumped back to the top. The Catch 22 situation!
wealthydavee Premium
Thank you very much Steph. Kindly teach me how you make these tutorials. Thanks in advance for the lessons. David
stephhill Premium Plus
You can create tutorials through the WA system. Click on the "pen" icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen and then select the top one "Create New Training" - You do have to be a premium member of WA for at least three months before you can create training. You can choose to do either a tutorial, a video or a course.
Mike-Writes Premium
Thanks for the great tutorial, Steph. I will be doing this tonight.
stephhill Premium Plus
Let me know if you have any problems. :)
Mike-Writes Premium
Got it done with no problems. Thanks. :)