Host a Contest or Giveaway

One of the best ways to increase your email opt-in rate is to host a contest or giveaway that you can offer to your website visitors. The contest or giveaway should be valuable to the audience and have a clear call to action. The goal is to boost your email list by making it a valuable asset to them.

This strategy works well if you have products that you sell on your website, as people often research and read reviews before making a purchase.

You can increase your email subscriptions by personalizing your offers and allowing customers to quickly sign up for your emails.

Use Pop-ups to Increase Your Email Opt-in Rates

An effective way to increase your email opt-in rate is to use exit-intent popups. You can show these to visitors on click, after a set amount of time, or before someone leaves your site.

Scroll Box is a simple popup that appears after a visitor has read a specific page. This technique targets the most engaged visitors. Smart Bar is a low-key option that places an opt-in bar at the top or bottom of the page. It's a great way to increase subscriber conversion rates without overtly promoting your newsletter.

Another way to increase email conversion rates is to create two-step popups. These start with a question and redirect the user to the next step. This is called the Zeigarnik effect, and it can be very effective in improving the response rate to your emails. Using two-step popups can increase the number of opt-ins that your site receives.

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FKelso Premium Plus
Some great suggestions here. Thanks for being so thorough. I will refer back to your list.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great to hear Fran.
Lily 😁🎶
rjkennedy Premium
On A/B testing, I'm trying to understand. I've never seen two optin forms posted at the same time on the same page for the purpose of which one pulls the best. Is this a new way of advertising?
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
No, they are separate opt-in forms on different pages at different times so that you can see which is more popular rj.

Zoopie Premium
Nice one Lily.
Not sure if I want to give away an iPad yet, lol.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Oh why not Stephen? Lol

Time will tell. Thanks for your comment my friend.
Zoopie Premium
One day an iPad, the next a
Atlas01 Premium
Thanks Lily, good advice.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are very welcome Maurice.

Pedrone Premium
Hello! Lily
and thank you for sharing this valuable training!
'wish you a great start to the week!


Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You too Pietro. Have a truly fun week with success.

Pedrone Premium
Thank you!

