No, you shouldn’t.

If I had to single out one of these three, I would say:

be genuine.

You should be who you really are! Sooner or later, fakes get discredited by online users.

Some people naturally incline towards helping people in need, others love creating content that will stay behind them, and so on. The point is, we're very different types.

My key suggestion:

If you want to become an ambassador, stop trying.

Stop competing with others. The competition is too strong.

Instead, do what you're good at. Compete against your own weak self.

Build your personality. Learn as much as you can and grow your inner being.

This may sound odd. What your inner being has to do with your online business?

I dare say – a lot. You should strive to reach psychological harmony. Online users are clever. You can't trick them for too long.

If you continue to grow you'll learn the key skill that will determine, both your online entrepreneurial success and your WA ranking...

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judebanks Premium Plus
Well said, Sinisa. Congrats on becoming Ambassador.

There's a time and a place for everything and we can always adjust our path to meet our priorities. I agree that the best person to compete with is ourselves and that way we can surely grow and conquer.

MudreM Premium
I'm glad we agree on the last one, Jude. Thank you.
dianegailit Premium
Great training on how to become an Ambassador! I do believe that it is the competitor in ourselves that ultimately gets us to the top, whether it be here, with our website or our business. It takes drive, commitment, and love for what we do :-)
MudreM Premium
That's right Diane! When we defeat our grudging part within, we become able to achieve just about anything out there.
Brooklyn2008 Premium
I agree with all comments below. I enjoy going up in rank for self-confidence, but I do not feel that I am ready to take on Ambassador yet. I feel that to achieve that status, I should be able to help people more and be more of a guru in this business. I am neither and therefore would rather focus all my efforts on my site all the while still assisting and contributing to the community when I can, because that is one things about WA that I truly love!
MudreM Premium
You say " I enjoy going up in rank for self-confidence". With this attitude of wanting to do more, you may hold the key to happiness. Just keep going Nicki.
Dinh Premium
I think you need to ask why you want to be an ambassador. For me, my website is more important. I have only limited time and will focus my efforts on that. Learning and sharing is great but has to be weighed with what your goals are.
MudreM Premium
That's precisely what I'm saying. Your approach makes far more sense. If we can't make money online, I see no point spending money here (or any other similar platform for that matter).
Chrissies Premium
Hi Mudre, great content here. I agree totally. Rank really doesn't matter as long as you are staying true to yourself. That is, your positive self!
Many thanks for your post :)
MudreM Premium
We're on the same page.
Thank you.
PjGermain Premium
Ditto on both your post and Chrissie's comments! I just try to help when I can and my rank fluctuates depending on my time. I've been in and out of "Ambassador" a few times. It is what it is! :-)
MudreM Premium
You're one of the most helpful members around Pj. I suggest you receive ambassadorship for life.
PjGermain Premium
LOL!! Thanks so much! That does mean a lot to me.!
MudreM Premium
You mean a lot to many people around.
Chrissies Premium
Ditto! :)
Chrissies Premium
You are always so quick to offer help, and that help is invaluable PJ :)
PjGermain Premium
Thanks again, very much, Chrissie!
Chrissies Premium
You are so very welcome, you know it PJ :)