The quickest way to start avoiding gurus is to cut them off completely!

How much time would you say you spend "checking" (i.e. dealing with) your email everyday? Imagine if you could cut that down by just 15-20 minutes per day: that's an extra 2 hours every week to actually take action and get work done to build your business...not someone that just got you on their list to "sell to you over and over".

Look, we're marketers too. We understand why they do it, but it's getting ridiculous!

So here it is, Step #1:
Every time you get an email from a marketer that you haven't gotten any real value from, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email, and voila! no more emails from them!

I know what you're thinking: "but what about all the products I won't hear about. What about all the free stuff I got from being on their list?"

I was nervous to do this at first, too, but believe me: YOU DO NOT NEED ANY OF IT!

It feels amazing to be able to check my email 2-3 times per day, and know that each time there will only be 5-10 emails, instead of 20-30. At least 80% of the emails I was getting didn't seem like a big deal, but when you add it up, I was wasting 30 minutes each day, which works out to almost 4 hours per week!

Now, I can actually avoid buying all that useless stuff, too...Which leads me to my next point.

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muffin Premium
Thank you Kyle for sharing this is so true. I really enjoyed your thoughts.

PotPieGirl Premium
This is a fantastic tutorial! I LOVE #1 and I recommend it to my readers all the time. Have an 'un-subscribe' day and remove some of the 'noise' in this industry.

Naturally, I never recommend that they un-subscribe from MY list... haha!

I really enjoyed your tutorial! Gold for you!

Roger007 Premium
This is a fantastic tutorial! I LOVE #1 and I recommend it to my readers all the time. Have an 'un-subscribe' day and remove some of the 'noise' in this industry.

Naturally, I never recommend that they un-subscribe from MY list... haha!

I really enjoyed your tutorial! Gold for you!

Ranma Premium
My thoughts exactly! True dat! Man, story of my freakin' life ahahahaha

Thanks, dude - you're a man of wisdom :D


- Ranma ^_^
Empower Premium
My thoughts exactly! True dat! Man, story of my freakin' life ahahahaha

Thanks, dude - you're a man of wisdom :D


- Ranma ^_^