So there you have it!

You have successfully added another email to your Gravatar account and associated an image to it.

This means whenever you comment you should see your profile photo.

If you have found this training valuable please let me know by dropping a comment, hitting the like button and sharing to others who may benefit from this training.

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.

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Chrissies Premium
Many thanks for the info, this could be really useful :)
BeauAndNik Premium
Thank you for the feedback my friend
Chrissies Premium
You are very welcome :)
Cynthiah1 Premium
I am so glad to know this info. Thanks so much!
BeauAndNik Premium
No problem :)
Gerlinde Premium
I did not know that this is possible, I have already an Avatar but two websites, so I thought I have to make a new Avatar for the other email address...

Have to try this!

Thanks and all the best for 2017!

BeauAndNik Premium
Thank you for the feedback Gerlinde :) All the best for 2017
MoeMakki Premium
Where were you last week Beau? I had to figure this out myself! This a very useful feature in local marketing. I can comment anywhere as either me, my agency, or clients!

Great, easy to follow training. Keep it up!
BeauAndNik Premium
Cheers my man!
joekeriii Premium
Aloha Beau,
Thanks for this. You know I had been thinking about this since I added my second site. But it was one of those things that I'd kept on the (way)back-burner. Now that I see how easy it is, I will do it now.
BeauAndNik Premium
Aloha, Joe!

Glad you found a use for this brother!