Author LynneHuy
Rank 1675

Adding an email subscribe form to your sidebar is quite easy to do!

Once you have created your sign up form find the code to embed it into your website and copy it.

Then go to your website and look for widgets which is in appearance.

Choose to add "text" to your side bar and then paste the code for your sign up form into the part where it says "content" and save it.

You can move the items around in your side bar by dragging them and dropping them into the order you want.

Please let me know if you have any questions, this video was done using aWeber so finding the code for your sign up form will be different for other autoresponders.

If you like this training, let me know and of course give it a thumbs up!

And if you are interested to know more about email marketing here is a Training Tutorial to get you started:

And if you want to an add aWeber Popup sign up form here is another training video:

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Mike-Writes Premium
Great tutorial, Lynne.

LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure Mike, thanks!
minitrio Premium
Thanks for this information :)
Loubelle Premium
Thank you this is helpful regards
maxser67 Premium
Thank's Lynne.
This was much help for me!
LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure :)
ToveL Premium
Hi, Lynne

Thanks for providing me with some information about aweber. I have actually added one to my sidebar. I want to ask you a question. Do aweber have pop up forms to? Or is it another name of it like a campaign or whatever?
LynneHuy Premium
Oh yes they have a pop up form too, I have added one to my website but I can't for the life of me remember how I did it!

Give me a little bittie time to figure out what I did and I will come back to you.
ToveL Premium
Thanks, that's really nice of you. No hurry.
LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure :) I remember now how to make the pop up, just can't remember how to add it to the website LOL.

I will figure it out soon and let you know.
LynneHuy Premium
Ok I got it! I will upload it shortly for you!
LynneHuy Premium
UGH I can't upload any new training today, I will see if I can do it for you tomorrow.