Author Marlinda1
Rank 441

In this video, you will learn how to create your own logo and icon for your WordPress site.

What Is A Site Logo?

You site logo is the design and words that show up in the top header of a website as shown in the above image. Sometimes it can be an image, words or a combination of both.

One thing you will notice is that the logo gives the reader an idea of what the site is about just by looking at it. For instance, in the video I am creating a logo for a site about zero turn lawn mowers.

The colors and image I use reflect exactly that. I chose solid, dark colors that match the icon picture because my visitors will likely be professional, lawn care persons. I also specifically chose an image of a zero turn lawn mower because that is the type of lawn mower I'm focusing on for this site.

You will have to make these considerations when designing yours. Keep it simple and to the point. No fancy fonts either because that makes it hard to read and your visitors might be turned off by it.

Look at the WA logo. The righting is simple and to the point. Another good example for you if you need one :)

What Is A Site Icon?

Your site icon is what shows up at the top of your web browser. This is usually a square image of either letters or image. Since it is so small it won't be readable if you put a lot of wording but you can use your site initials.

Again, this should also represent your site at a glance. In the video, I used a zero turn lawn mower. In the above image, you can see that Google Sheets uses a form looking icon and Google Docs uses a script looking icon.

I hope this training helps. If you have any questions or other comments, please leave them below in the description box for me or direct message me. Also, follow me so that you can be notified whenever I publish training or blog posts and I also would love to connect with you too!

If you want to see my other training videos, you can check them out here:

I will be uploading videos every Thursday. See you next time :)

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PatsyC Premium
Nice! I have a logo I need to place and this will help me.

Thank you :)
Marlinda1 Premium
Awesome! :) I'm glad I could help you :)
markr0675 Premium
I need this. Thanks
Marlinda1 Premium
You're welcome! I'm glad I could be of help to you :)
Chrissies Premium
Very many thanks Marlina :)
Marlinda1 Premium
You're welcome :)
GautamWorld Premium
Great - thank you.
Marlinda1 Premium
You're welcome! I'm glad you found it helpful :)
ETZEL Premium
Thanks for the great training and sharing this with the community !

Marlinda1 Premium
You're welcome! I'm glad you found it helpful :)
ETZEL Premium
If everyone will use all these little tips that are displayed here in this platform they will create amazing sites!