How to Earn Back Your Lost Authority

Have you once enjoyed highly-ranked SEO content, but lost it due to some negative impact of certain signals? The good news is that you can still salvage your site and restore its authority to enjoy your previous rankings.

The first step is to trace and remove any bad link on your site that has the 404 error pages. Before linking to a site, you should be sure of the content of the page; this helps to avoid broken links. Your outbound links should be targeted to websites with valuable information.

Watch out for Google’s penalty – it’s one of those factors that negatively impact a site from ranking higher. If you have been penalized by Google, you can search online for a possible solution.

Final Thought

Taking your website to an authoritative level requires hard work, commitment, and patience. Reading this post is not enough; taking appropriate actions is what you need to see your site soar higher in SEO rankings.

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LakishaA10 Premium
Hey Israel,

Long time no

I always learn a lot from you. I haven't been in WA for a long time but, now I'm back to learning and building.

I really appreciate that you share your wealth of knowledge. It helps out a TON.

One question...about reputation?

When you say reputation takes a while to develop, how does that work? I guess I'm over thinking...

How do we develop a good reputation? Is it with high quality content? Higher domain authority?

Or is it us waiting on Google to trust our site? And if it's based off the site - when we start a new site, do we have to build reputation once again?

Great training by the way...
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reaching out, lakbar! Oh, I noticed you weren't around some time ago. I hope everything is okay with you! You can successfully build reputation by: consistently producing high-quality content, doing blogger outreach campaigns, helping other people solve their problems on social media, forums, and other online communities, answering quality questions on Quora, engaging the audience, and publishing guest posts.

Israel Olatunji
LakishaA10 Premium
Yes, I am doing good. I just had a lot going here on. That's something I will have to learn and implement soon; blogger outreach and guest posting. I was just asking if guest posting was important. To an extent I guess so. Thanks, Israel...

Claudiojuan Premium
Authority is gained with knowledge and experience in the activity we intend to develop. Surely Google will also help us. Thank you very much Israel!
Israel17 Premium
Hey Claudio, thanks for reaching out! Oh yes, we gain authority in the online world through our expertise and Google rankings. Glad you got it clearly!

Israel Olatunji
CarolMeador Premium
Well said, Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Hey Carol, thanks for reading! You can build authority with Google by building out high-quality content and linking from niche-related influential blogs. Thanks!

Israel Olatunji
CarolMeador Premium
You're welcome, Israel.
Anne056 Premium
More to think about. thanks you Israel!

All the best,
Israel17 Premium
Hey Anne, thanks for stopping by! See you build Google Authority soon! Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji
TitaWorks Premium
Enlightening, Israel....

-- Netta
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your valuable input, Netta! Much appreciated! Glad you enjoyed the post! Building Google Authority is an important SEO metric to gain web reputation and make money. Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji