Background to Google+

So what is Google+. For anyone not familiar with it, it is a social network that allowers users (individuals) and brands to share links, images, videos and status updates. Users are able to share and comment.

63% of Google+ users are men and many post about technology and two of the biggest groups are college students and software developers.

According to Google 170 million have upgraded to Google+. Does upgraded mean active? Who knows. It's easy to get hung up in these huge figures but the fact is a lot of people are using Google+ and there seems to be a general agreement from analysts that these numbers will grow.

More important for you though, than the huge numbers is understanding what the marketing advantages or disadvantages of Google+. and how they impact on your marketing strategy.

Advantages of Google + for Marketing

Google + and integration into search results

Status updates from Google+ and any content that has been endorsed with the +1 appear in organic search engines on

This means it doesn't matter whether you have a +1 button on your blog or website of whether you are regularly publishing to Google+ your content is far more likely to dominate search results than it would have done before you signed up to Google+, A very good reason for signing up don't you think?

Google+ circles

A 'Circle' is a group of Google Plus users. When you post to content to Google+ you can choose to share specific information only with people in particular cicles.

The means you're able to do targeted marketing to particular groups of followers which will result in higher levels of engagement as well as higher CTRs (Click Through Rates). Think how often you hear people complaining about their CTR. Can you afford to miss the opportunity to improve yours?

Increased Traffic with the +1 button

Having the +1 button on either your blog or your website makes it easy for people to be able to share your content and there is no doubt that you will experienced increased traffic.

No issues with duplicate content

There are no issues with Google + in posting the same content there as you may have done on other social networks.

Disadvantages for Google+ for Marketing

Well you didn't expect it to all be good news did you.? There are some disadvantages to using google+ which you may be well aware of if you've been using it.

People find it confusing

There are a number of issues that are putting people off from even trying google+ because some things are not immediately clear, including the differences of posting directly to Google+ and just +1ing content..

If you can't understand it properly - why would you use it? I know I've heard people who think it's well worth it but also people who have already given it up as a dead loss.

Value of Google+ yet to be established

Despite the huge numbers that Google state are involved in Google+ the current position is that users aren't spending very long on it. In fact it's only 3.3. minutes on average per visit. which really isn't very long and is well behind the 100 minutes people are spending on Pinterest.

If Google+ are unable to offer users a unique selling point that differentiates them sufficiently from the other social networks, marketers may well be reluctant to use it.

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Lili D Premium
Thank you for the useful information. I am a bit more familiar with Pinterest and because my niche(travel) is suitable for sharing images, I will create an account.
But I am also convinced of the advantages of using Google+. I tried to create an account, but it doesn't allow me to use the name of my site. I read somewhere, that the companies first need to create a personal profile and then add the company's page(like in FB) to it. Any thoughts on this? :) Thanks again! Lili
BIS Premium
Hi Lili.
Yes - I have both G+ and Pinterest. You do need to have a personal profile but you can add image of your company onto it.

ECAffiliates Premium
Just starting up on pinterest and Google+, I seem to always find something of interest, duplicate content on google+ (who knew) - thanks for the write
BIS Premium
Thank you. I think it's a constant challenge to decide just how much of all these things you can do.
abay Premium
I like to use G+ for backlinks, G+ pages and getting indexed in search engines. I like to use Pinterest for backlinks and driving instant traffic to my sites - both are good!
BIS Premium
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I agree with you both are good.
keithinohio Premium
So which ONE do you use for your business?
BIS Premium
I have accounts for both but I am using Pinterest more than Google+ at the moment simply because my demographic is weighted sharply towards women.
Labman Premium Plus
I don't think you really need to choose. These are not full time activities. Schedule some time for each and think about the different ways that the interfaces can be helpful. Use each in it's own way and you are good to go.
BIS Premium
Thanks for commenting.

I'm not sure I necessarily agree with you. If you try to use Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, You Tube, Pinterest that takes a lot of work and is not necessarily an effective use of people's time.

So as Google+ and Pinterest are the newest ones, I think some people may at this stage want to choose. I hear lots of people saying they have various accounts in the different social media but haven't found the time to use them or unsure of the benefits.

Better to use one or two effecifiently and one that brings benefits to your business than using one or more poorly.