Help System

Again, you first need to familiarize yourself with the prior tutorial GIMP Settings You Can Customize Part 1. Once you have become comfortable with Environment, Interface and Theme on the Preferences menu, you are ready to learn about the next preference option which is the Help System.

The Help System for Windows users will be difficult, because for whatever reason Windows and Linux GIMP installations often package the Help files separately. I am guessing they have to do this for technical reasons.

On the Help System menu, you may see something like this:

You will notice where it says user manual it says, "The user manual is not installed locally"

When you click on the Help button at the left-hand bottom of the screen.....

You will probably see something like this:

The "TLS/SSL support not available, install gib-networking" is telling you to separately download and install that particular file. To do so, would require more technical knowledge than we want to get into, so on the Help menu, where it says Help Browser and the Help browser to use, select "Web Browser" as shown here:

Then click on the Help Button.....

You will have the online manual open up in Windows and will probably see something like this:

This allows you to click on various links to learn more about GIMP. Spend sometime clicking around the online manual and become familiar with how to find things when you get stuck.

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DreamAngel Premium
Thanks for sharing Stephanie! I have tried Gimp before and could never figure it out! Maybe now I can!

stephhill Premium Plus
It takes time and dedication to spend on it to learn how it works. It took me an incredible amount of time as well and I am still learning. It is a very complex program, but with time and patience and playing around with it, you will get there. Be sure to check out my other tutorials as well. I think image types, my latest one, is a good one to go through.
PMindra Premium
You are awesome.

stephhill Premium Plus
Thanks Paul. I read your profile noticed you were a chef? Very cool! That is one career I always thought about getting into but never did. I am what you call an "amateur chef" - I enjoy cooking for my family and making creative dishes. :)
PMindra Premium
Hi, Steph. It's still me, Paul Mindra from Canada.

I have not been on the site on a day to day basis as I was when I first started.

How lovely for you to stop by and say hello. You do great work and your contributions are very much valued here.

Regarding Chefs...let me make an analogy. Very similar to MLM Marketing and Network Marketing, the Internet has had an incredible effect on both of these industries. The Internet has virtually 'killed' MLM and 'Networking' and has had a similar effect on Chefs.

When I started back in 1978...It was all about what I had in my head and what more I was going to learn through apprenticeships and training. I was a commodity and I was hired and 'payed' based on my knowledge and administrative skills which I displayed.

So, when I went into an establishment and said that I knew how to make a 'Tomato Consomme,' or 'Cassoulet,' or 'Creme Brulee,' or 'Beef Wellington, was my knowledge in my head and that is what employers paid for.

Today, 10 year old's are turning out 'World Quality' food based on what many of us yearned to learn from Escoffier and Bocuse.
Is it right? Is it Wrong?
It does not matter. "It is what it is."

So if you know how to turn on a stove and follow some basic 'food handling techniques' you can prepare everything that your heart desires.

Peace, love and respect to you.

Stay in touch. I will get more active shortly here.

Kindest always,

startouched Premium
I love GIMP! I've used it for a few years. I used it on my Linux system. I have it now also. It is just as good as Photoshop and waaay less expensive!!
stephhill Premium Plus
GIMP is indeed way less expensive than Adobe PhotoShop. Most people who are just getting started in their online business do not have those kinds of funds and you are right - GIMP is just as good.

MKearns Premium
Thanks for this expanded training Steph. I will review the sequence in order.
stephhill Premium Plus
Sounds good Mike. Let me know if it does not make sense anywhere. Have a great night or day where ever you are. :)
Steve1958 Premium
Hey Steph...thanks for this...
I'll have a look at the first one, then catch this one...
stephhill Premium Plus
Okay Steve. There is a lot of information to take in.