Now we come to the order, or how we’re going to do them. Most apps allow you to shift around your priorities, so begin with the most important things you must do.

Now, set up subtask for each task. These are the steps needed to accomplish each task. For instance, say you have a task of washing the windows. Subtasks can be “get window cleaner, get paper towels, get step ladder”.

Do this with each task. No matter how simple it may seem, get all the steps in. Every task should have at least one subtask. Windows don’t wash themselves…there must be steps…put them down.

You may have to set up a task for the store to buy the items you need. Then the subtasks of that would be each item you need. Do you see why the subtasks are so important? You must walk before you can run.

When I began pilot training, one of the first things my instructor taught me, “before you can know where you are going, you must know where you are”. Simple, but profound. It’s often the simple things that throw us or trip us.

The subtasks are just as important as the task. If you don’t know how you’re going to get the task done, you will never begin it.

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FKelso Premium Plus
Boy, you should see my jar of rocks! I've hit them all with a sledge hammer so I could get more of them in there.
Joes946 Premium
All mine are sand now Fran!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great advice. I love doing this. It's like taking a deep cleansing breath.

Lily 😊
Joes946 Premium
VirginiaA43 Premium
Great training, Joe. I’ll get to work on my todos right away!

Thanks, Joe.

rdwalker240a Premium
Yes, it’s so often that we leave all of it in our head and the simple act of getting it out is forgotten. Thank you for writing this!!
RosanaHart Premium Plus
You rock!

I did a blog post on procrastination recently. Here's my list done in Scrivener, an app mostly used for writing books.
Joes946 Premium
Love it!