Now your image, and therefore your content and your website is able to be found via an image share...pretty cool I think...
Your followers will see your Pin and also share it...
Anyone searching for information related to your Pin and content can find it and share it
The beauty is you will pick up more followers the more you pin...the more followers..the more shares...the more shares the more people exposed to your pin...
and when someone clicks your image...they go to your content...and your website.
No matter where anyone finds your image...on Pinterest or Google images or Bing have embedded your keyword and your they will arrive at your site...traffic!
So your great keyword is working for you harder than ever...if people enter your keyword into a search engine they will find your content...but using alt text they can now also find your original image which leads them back to your website...
I hope this was helpful in explaining the importance of original images compared to duplicate, of how to use alt text to increase exposure to your keyword and content and how to maximize exposure to your content via Pinterest.
If it was helpful and you enjoyed please like
If it wasn't the please let me know how to improve...I'm a newbie also..
Happy pinning WA!....UPDATEEEEEEEEE....