This is the last phase of this process....when it comes to Fiverr, you must go after specific people who have the best reputation on the platform. Never experiment on people who aren't proven here. You will immediately regret right when you purchase the gig.

When we talk about optimizing videos, the number one factor YouTube looks at is the amount of views being pointed to your video.....PERIOD! Everything else is simply complimentary. Meaning, the SEO backlinks, etc. IF you don't believe me, let me ask you a question, do you think you will rank high on YouTube just by pointing a million backlinks to your video alone with "0" views? I think you know the answer to that.

Even if you rank high initially, I guarantee you that you will lose that position within minutes. And the primary reason is because you need "views" pointing to your video so you can create that "viral effect" on your video. That's the number one metric YouTube is looking at here. This ain't Google search people so don't get crazy about "backlinks" and other over-engineering stuff.

With that said, let's get the process started!

1. Got to

If you don't have an account with them already, you must sign up as a buyer.

2. Next you will can perform a search for "YouTube traffic" or "YouTube Promotion"

When you perform a search like this, you will see a host of gigs. What you need to pay attention to the most is the amount of reviews and engagement each gig has. The more the better because it means, they are possibly a level 2 seller and they have a lot of orders coming to them.

You also will need to sort by customer review so you can filter the results to the highest amount reviews each gig has received online, starting from highest to lowest. This ensures that you are at least getting in touch with big players and filtering away the small fish.

To save you time, I have recommended a couple of gigs that I use on a consistent basis for my own videos.....

1. Sarajackoff

This lady does some serious work and I have made her my official YouTube promoter for my videos. You know I love my Wealthy Affiliate family if I'm giving you guys this wonder gem.

2. Youngceaser

These two guys are great as well. The prices are a tad bit more steep than Sara but it's well worth it since they do both backlinking as well as draw views to your video as well. They don't drive as many views as Sara but the work is definitely A-1 quality.

3. BlBoss

This is gig is really good for those of you who want to test things out and see how this optimization process works with the viral effect. It's the least expensive out of the three and lends some really good results as well.

Whenever you make a purchase on a gig, all you do is provide the video link and the category (optional) and that's it. You just watch the magic happen.

These are three of the best that I've personally used to get me results on YouTube. The bottom line here is we're trying to optimize our videos with "views." So I would recommend that you stay away from using any backlinking gigs or anything like that because that can stunt your growth so to speak. When you use anyone of these gigs, you will see results almost the same day...depending on the keywords you use of course.

When you hire someone on Fiverr, what you're doing is purchasing traffic to the video. essentially you're trying to manufacture a viral effect. The caveat to this is, you must choose a good person who isn't using bots and software, but simply sharing your video through social media. There are a number of gigs out there that focus on drawing traffic to your videos optimizing it with views.

Some people may be asking themselves, how do I know the difference between the "gig" views and organic views coming to my video? Well the easy answer to this is, when you look at your analytics, you will see two different columns under the traffic sources section; the external section (Which is where your "gig traffic" will come from) and the YouTube search section.

The more you optimize the videos, the higher the YouTube search percentage will get. It's very simple math. PLLEAASE don't over complicate this. This is one of the easiest ways, if not thee easiest way to optimize your videos on YouTube.

I hope this course really helped you with your YouTube adventures because it's definitely helping me. As you implement this strategy, you should notice a steady growth in subscribers and engagement as well as your watch time growing as well. Good luck and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this process at all. Thanks for reading and following :)
Tasks 0/4 completed
1. Go to
2. Perform a search for "YouTube Promotion" or "YouTube Traffic"
3. Purchase the gig
4. Monitor your video's progress

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